Ebola: the current situation, measures being taken, and reasons for Spain to be optimistic

Started by Janet, Wed 30 Jul 2014, 15:53

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Quote from: Pelinor on Tue  7 Oct 2014, 13:40
If ever there was a reason to keep infected people where the infection is this has to be the one! Who's gong to save us from bleeding hearts, God squads, humanitarians and do gooders!

Janet!! :tiphat:

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

They may be optimistic in Spain but not in the USA.  Now the neighbours of the guy with ebola in Dallas are complaining they are feeling discriminated against.  So some fuckwits are supplying them with:

  a)  groceries to tide them through the crisis
  b)  clean clothes as they cannot get to the communal laundry rooms
  c)   lawyers

If you guessed c), step forward and claim your prize.




Medical staff in Madrid are now saying that the protective clothing with which they were issued does not work. The nurse who has now been confirmed with ebola was wearing the official safety garments. The WHO has also now said that more cases in Europe are unavoidable.

It's taken longer to gear up than I expected, but I still think that this is going to be nightmarish before it's over.


Knew it was a bad idea, think I even said it was a bad idea at the time to bring anyone out of the 'Cordon' And here we are! Cat seems to be out of the bag and who's fucking idea was it to bring these people out of the infected zone??? I am sure will never know, but I would love to so I can say thanks and then set about them with a baseball bat!! And with every swing I would utter 'This is what happens when you put humanitarians and bleeding hearts in charge'

There is a 90's film that shows the way to deal with this disease. Its in human its violent and very sad. Its called an air fuel bomb. I know its Hollywood's idea but when was the last time two massive bombs were used, to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians. Drastic times call for drastic methods!


And the African madness continues. Reading in a couple of papers today, it would seem that the people charged with removing the bodies of infected people from the streets or wherever in Sierra Leone have gone on strike! FFS! According to the WHO and almost every other commentator, the world as we know it is on the verge of mass extinction thanks to Ebola and yet these people go on strike because they haven't been paid.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry :undecided:


The last 48 hours have seen an incredible controversy and mobilization of public opinion over Excalibur, the dog belong to the nurse confirmed with ebola. The Spanish health authorities announced that the dog would have to be put down, and a change.org petition now has over 300,000 signatures from people demanding that he should instead be put in quarantine, or isolation, rather than killed.

Excalibur has, however, now been removed from his home after a judicial order from the Juzgado de lo Contencioso-Administrativo nĂºmero 1 de Madrid allowed forced entry. He has been taken to a veterinary centre in the capital where his future is still uncertain. Some see the fact that he is there as evidence that the government is backing down, whereas others fear it will be the place where he is put to sleep.

The issue has now become global, with CNN reporting it; protestors have gathered to demonstrate outside the apartment where the couple lived with the dog - police are pictured with batons raised breaking up what they are calling a riot, but which from the photos published, and the above video, looks like a peaceful protest.

Meanwhile, a third Spanish nurse is now in isolation in Madrid, bringing the total with suspected ebola to 5.


Its unbelievable a frickin dog, if theres a chance its infected or able to carry the infection, or even if they are unsure of either then put the bloody thing down! Almost as bad as the Body collectors going on strike. I have changed my opinion on the greatest threat to mankind. It won't come from Islam, Communism or even Ebola. It will come from bleeding hearts and fucking idiots!!

El Profesor

Actually, the media frenzy is quite useful because this disease is nasty, but I see this as no more than media hysteria.
These countries, Liberia and Sierra Leone are inconceivably poor; they have no communications infrastructure, no healthcare system to speak of.

As soon as Ebola got to Nigeria . . . which is a relatively serious country with Africa's largest city and a main transportation hub . . . the authorities nipped it in the bud. I think they had a total of one death. I believe the same will happen in the USA and  . . . . . . well, OK we all know what Spain is like, a bit untogether . . . so they got a bit careless, shipped in an infectious priest, infected the hospital staff. But you can count on them to overreact now, kill all the pets and scare the hell out of everybody. Nobody is going to give you a peck on the cheek in Madrid this month.

But I honestly can't see this spreading in a developed country. The media will milk it, as they did with bird flu and swine flu and all the others. But I don't think we have to worry about it so disproportionately.


As so often, there is utter confusion now, with some sources saying that Excalibur was put to sleep at 2.30pm according to the legal order, with others saying that a last-minute second appeal has been submitted to save him. There is no official word on this, and some suspect that the government doesn't want to have to tell people that the dog has actually been put down. The Spanish authorities might one day understand that a clear and definitive statement, even if negative, will do it far less harm in the long term than obfuscation and silence.


Quote from: Prof on Wed  8 Oct 2014, 14:55
Actually, the media frenzy is quite useful because this disease is nasty, but I see this as no more than media hysteria.

I agree Prof, but its not the media that's doing the frenzying (made up word?) I watched the BBC mid day news. there was a medical aid worker being interviewed from one of these countries. She (French I think) didn't need the help of the media to whip her self up to a frenzy. It was 'We need help NOW we need assistance from Governments HERE NOW! No ones doing enough to send help NOW HERE NOW! Help NOW NOW NOW!. After she finished the report then went on to the grave diggers striking!