Deyan Deyanov - trial of killer of Jennifer Mills-Westley

Started by aspasia, Sat 3 Mar 2012, 18:10

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I don't know Janet :undecided: How far do we go back in this mans life to find the exact spot where everything could have been prevented? Is it fair to seemingly place blame on the Welsh. Wasn't he seen by the Spanish health service prior to this attack? He was know to the local Police (I may be mixing thing up so this may not be the case) Does Bulgaria hold any responsibility? Should we be looking at his family? Do we blame the EU for allowing this man to roam freely throughout the EU? What about his family on the island why didn't they raise the alarm? A million and one things to blame, and so many lessons to learn.............again and again and again! :undecided:

El Profesor

Quote from: Janet on Tue 11 Nov 2014, 13:45
. . . . . .

BUT this attack could have been prevented, if the Welsh weren't moronic, narrow- and petty-minded, limited of outlook, and insular to the point of being inbred.

I'll defend my right to say that because I am Welsh. This is outrageous, and so upsetting ...

Yes and very poignant timing for this to come out a few days after Matthew William's mother said that those deaths should have (not could have) been avoided.

Wales again    LINK


I don't think there is anything basically wrong with the system. Its just the endless stream of bleeding hearts and do gooders that seem to fill the panels and committees that allow these potentially dangerous mental cases into the community. I would point out the latest bleeding heart who is not only a Magistrate but is chairwoman of the 'Youth Justice Panel' or something like that. When she said the other day that the 20 year sentence was to long for the little shit who stabbed a teacher to death.

Sadly while the system is infested with people like this who see good in everyone and everything and permanently wear rose tinted glasses. People like Williams will be given 2nd, 3rd 4th and an ever increasing number of chances 'because we believe they are treatable and reformable'

God forbid that someone should stand up and say 'This mans round the fricking twist, put him in a straight jacket and throw the key away' I would think the only person to be put in a straight jacket would be the one who said it!

I would love to see the day where these bleeding hearts are held personably accountable for their decisions.


There are particular issues with Welsh Assembly health department mental health provision that people mightn't be aware of ... it has been a particular issue in Wales for the last twenty years, and had started from before I left for Leeds when they started closing down psychiatric units, wards and hospitals ... and cutting by 80% the numbers of qualified staff on psychiatric wards ...

Welsh mental health care is part of the Welsh health department, separate to England's. It's been in the news lately for Welsh people having to go in a caravan to England for decent cancer care. Their mental healthcare provision is a joke ... or it would be if it just weren't funny ...