What is wrong with politics in Spain?

Started by El Profesor, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 13:12

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Well according to the politician the wife heard on the news today there is no problem in Spain....................  :nut:

Myrtle Hogan-Lance


Yep, it was quite funny really for no reason she came into the living room and told me there was no problem, she just kept repeating it over and over again. I went to the kitchen and saw the end of the news item and yes! there is no problem....no problem... no problem.. no problem.. no problem.. no problem.,. no problem.. no problem...........


Quote from: Guanche on Tue  3 Dec 2013, 19:21
.....no problem....no problem... no problem.. no problem.. no problem.. no problem.,. no problem.. no problem...........

Saying it enough times makes it true?
Never ride faster than your angel can fly.


Sorry, a poor attempt at a joke as in we were hypnotized by watching the news. Since its almost a crime to criticize Spain I wouldn't put it passed them to show subliminal messages on the TV......to make us believe! :whistle:

El Profesor

Doing the rounds . . . .

- Minimum wage
- It's not a crisis, it's a con.


And there will be another crisis .
Even wurst than the 2008 one to come.

Allover in the world banks are being supported by gouverments and still keeping loans low and property prices still to high .
This year could be . . .  or . . . who knows . .  another bust has to happen . Probably first in the USA,  they will be forced to hike bank percentages at a point and propertyprices will drop , the stockexchange will also follow down and the dollar will lose a lot of value .

Next will be the EU then.

The borrowing culture can not keep up , you need an earning population to thrive .


Is the worm beginning to turn? There have been riots in Burgos, a normally unobtrusive town, because of plans to "revamp" a street. Forty people have been arrested so far and the Minister for Security says this is orchestrated riots by anarchist groups - well of course because anyone who opposes the rulers are anarchists by PP definition - but all the same, the riots have caused the mayor to announce the works cancelled, at least temporarily.

There will now be a "working group" to try to build consensus ...

Opponents say that the works will cause chaos rather than "looking pretty", and that the parking spaces lost will cause problems. Spaces in the underground carpark that the mayor says would replace the overground parking spaces which have been replaced by trees and stuff are going to be sold ... for €20,000 each ...

Smell a scam? The people do. They don't want to lose free on-street parking for underground spaces they'll never be able to afford, and to swap social services for "pretty pavements"! The works were to cost (and have already cost part of) €8 million.

Ana Botella couldn't keep out of it either, saying the protests were "unacceptable attacks", though she sensibly refused to comment on the government's claim that this was orchestrated. Spanish press is saying, indeed, that 11 out of 13 arrestees from the other night were locals ... not outsiders, so the claim that they were bussed in to cause trouble is clearly false.

Are the rulers starting to get rattled? And if so, I don't see that necessarily as a good thing because the next thing will be riot police and water cannon ... and live ammunition ... against the people. And if they think they've seen a riot now, they'll learn differently then ...


Quote from: Janet on Wed 15 Jan 2014, 09:38Smell a scam? The people do. They don't want to lose free on-street parking for spaces they'll never be able to afford, and to swap social services for "pretty pavements"! The works were to cost (and have already cost part of) €8 million.

And by amazing coincidence, the builder contracted to do the work is a well-known PP supporter, as I read yesterday.


I was very surprised by this development. I saw the riots on TV but for some reason thought it was old footage of something or other as I didn't take any notice. Now what are they going to do next? The ball is well and truly in the councils court, I just can't see them backing down its not the PPs way, in fact its not the way any political party does things here.
The people WILL be governed and they WILL do as their told or else!!