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Proud to be associated with a cultured region of Spain?

Started by Perikles, Wed 15 Aug 2012, 10:43

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Quote from: Perikles on Wed 15 Aug 2012, 15:16
Did your maths degree involve anything remotely connected with statistics?  :P :P

No  :tiphat:
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

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El Profesor

It also depends on your cultural reference points.

Sting - an award winning international superstar for several decades, renowned musician, singer and composer of excellence
- the best musicians in the world clamber to play in his backing band - thousands spent on advertising - concert in Tenerife cancelled for lack of sales - wrong culture.

Juan Luis Guerra - an award winning international superstar for several decades, renowned musician, singer and composer of excellence
- the best musicians in the world clamber to play in his backing band - nothing at all spent on advertising - concert in Tenerife completely sold out weeks in advance (I got in, it was amazing .....  and a large part of the audience were babies when he was having some of his big hits like "Ojalá que llueva café" and they knew all the words.

The other interesting point about those "statistics" is that Extremadura and Castilla are very very poor ..... I mean there isn't any money at all there, and the little money there is, is probably spent on rice.


It may have something to do with the price of the tickets? I have no idea what they cost but I would bet Stings were more expensive than Guerra?

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Perhaps Guanche has a point.  We have the local centro cultural (which any self respecting pueblo must have one of) across the street, and we are being serenaded for FREE!!

The local horn group practices there, and currently we are being treated to a massacre charming rendition of "Fernando's Hideaway".  I can actually recognise the tune.  Actually,they are quite sweet, and show a lot of perseverance. 


Myrtle Hogan-Lance

For about the past 45 minutes they've been practicing a piece which I believe is by Mozart.  (Will have to hum for Perikles and report back as Da! Duh Da!, Da Da Da Da Da DAAAA!  probably doesn't catch it.) 

Anyway, the 'guys' who hang out on the bench across the street have been da-da-ing along.  They're a bunch of ne'er do wells.  But, in the UK they would not recognise the tune, and here, they are almost note perfect. 

We love our band!

And not a cent, clearly, has been spent on this extravaganza.  Way to save, Canarian government!



Quote from: Myrtle Hogan-Lance on Thu 16 Aug 2012, 20:30
For about the past 45 minutes they've been practicing a piece which I believe is by Mozart.  (Will have to hum for Perikles and report back as Da! Duh Da!, Da Da Da Da Da DAAAA!  probably doesn't catch it.) 

Yes it does, believe it or not.  :cheesy: It's Mozart indeed: Eine kleine Nachtmusik, beginning of first movement.


Quote from: Perikles on Wed 15 Aug 2012, 10:43
Not the sole criterion for culture, I admit, but a reasonable marker.

What about those who download classical music illegally - where do they sit on the cultural scale?    :whistle:    :giggle:

For what shall it profit a man, to gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul?


Quote from: Phil on Fri 17 Aug 2012, 07:54
What about those who download classical music illegally - where do they sit on the cultural scale? 

Are there people who actually do this?  :whistle:

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Quote from: Perikles on Fri 17 Aug 2012, 06:55
Yes it does, believe it or not.  :cheesy: It's Mozart indeed: Eine kleine Nachtmusik, beginning of first movement.

:thanx:  You got it in one!  And none of the web tap-it-in sites could identify it.  Tell you what, that's one less beer you owe me!
