FXXXXing Spain and the BBVA!!!!

Started by Guanche, Wed 29 Apr 2015, 15:37

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Thanks Nova I'm getting my daughter to send me a couple of colour photo copies of her passport. I just have the feeling that the person I was speaking to at the bank was an arse hole and someone else would have been more helpful. As for the online banking bloke I think they are only there to sell stuff! As I say i have enough cash in the bank to sort out the bills for a while, or at least until the wife gets back. P yep already crossed my mind! :)


Honestly, we have been digitalizing so much crap... and it's been accepted!  I was told a month ago that I had to close the new account I had opened because my passport was invalid.  It expired last year but I got the free 12 month extension from the consulate in Santa Cruz.  The bank deemed it inadmissable because they refused to recognise the extension.... even though I've been an employee for 8 years, they pay my salary into one of my two existing accounts, I have a mortgage, a loan and two credit cards with them... did I mention I fucking work for them??  No, passport isn't valid, have to close my new (third) acount....

I've heard no more on the matter since the digitalization thing started so I think my third account might be ok now  :D  They'll have a bloody nerve after they've been accepting customer IDs that expiired in 2003 and are so faded the photo is just a blur....  :giggle:
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website: verygomez.com
Instagram: novahowardofficial


After I'd posted on the other thread someone from the bank emailed me. I had to send him a copy of my NIE or my account would be blocked. Despite it having been used it to open the bank account and for the mortgage!

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

El Profesor

Bankinter here.
No problem. They did all this about a year ago, last spring.
They had to hassle me about 5 times, and I got all stroppy because after 20 years and 3 different mortgages I thought they probably had my ID. But eventually I took in my passport just to shut them up . . . . a year ago.

If you really have to deal with a bank they are generally pretty efficient . . . in a banky sort of way.


FFS!!! I have just found out my daughter can do it all on line!!!!!!!!!!!! Why oh why didn't they tell me this yesterday in the bank :41: or on the phone :banghead: After having a very sleepless night I took to doing a search and came up with the BBVA site it's even in fricken English!! The daughter is trying it as I type so fingers crossed :undecided:


they did't tell you because that would have been helpful, kind, efficient and useful ... rather than unhelpful, obstructive, useless and fucking plain awkward for the sake of it ...


And guess what? Yep the site won't allow my daughter to access it. Why am I not supprised. So we're going back to plan 'A' and she is posting the info............. any one want to bet that the letter won't arrive :banghead:


A customer today told me he had gone to another bank where he has an account to make sure his documents were in order and the bank told him "we don't know anything about that.  We've had 3,000 phonecalls from customers asking us about it but we're not doing it and we don't know what it is"!!!  I didn't catch which bank it was but somebody will be in for a surprise  :giggle:
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website: verygomez.com
Instagram: novahowardofficial


Speechless Nova, just speechless!