Stamp out assholes. That's you, bullfighters and supporters.

Started by Myrtle Hogan-Lance, Sat 21 Jun 2014, 22:01

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[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


I saw that as well. What was really depressing was that not only was he not badly injured, but

QuoteDemand for tickets is so high that ticket touts are using creative tactics to circumvent the law, such as offering them "free" with the purchase of ball point pen... for €1,500.

Who are these animals?


An appropriate thread in which to post THIS story of an American student who needs a new arsehole, and who has the biggest gore wound doctors have seen, after being caught in the Carnaval del Toro in Ciudad Rodrigo.

Another two men, a Scot and a Spaniard were also injured.


Quote from: Janet on Mon 16 Feb 2015, 09:16an American student who needs a new arsehole,

Let's hope that when this arsehole has an arsehole transplant, the arsehole rejects him for being an arsehole.  :great: