I paid a bribe ...

Started by Janet, Tue 1 Jan 2013, 11:51

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well, hasn't everyone at one point or another, or at least faced the clear requirement for it?

In Greece, however, "I Paid A Bribe" is now a website where people can anonymously report the fact that a bribe was expected and/or paid. Set up by someone whose father could have died in a free public hospital because he was ignored until a "little envelope" was handed over.

I hope this takes off, I really do, and has an effect. And not just in Greece either! Anyone fancy setting up a website ..... ??



What happens to the data collected? I assume it is simply shown on the website for all to see.
Never ride faster than your angel can fly.


We could set one up here, specifically for people who had to bribe ENDESA to get a legal electricity connection.

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Quote from: Perikles on Tue  1 Jan 2013, 12:47
We could set one up here, specifically for people who had to bribe ENDESA to get a legal electricity connection.

Well if you did, that makes two people I know just in our little area.


Bribes have always made the world go round, and will always continue. I once flew around the world First class,,,on an economy ticket. (Don't ask). :P