The head bangers thread.... Spanish style

Started by Guanche, Tue 17 Mar 2015, 20:36

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Well here I am again, thinking like a reasonable man but dealing with morons. Firstly we still haven't seen the Mayor. He's changed parties from the PP to become an independent and forming the 'independence for Arafo' party. So it's highly unlikely we will ever see him again.
Things have moved on and although the builder was given a year to do the work he's already started. Proudly displaying his 'Obra Minor' on the gates to the house. The council gave him permission to build a postel or soak away and divert all rain and pool water to it.

Great you may say, and so did I until the other day whilst swinging in the garden hammock. It suddenly dawned on me that, like every one else on the island, my house is built on a slope and my house is below the builders house and pool all be it 30 odd meters away. Now we all know water flows down hill, you may have guessed where I'm going with this. So the question I posed myself is, what happens when someone drains 25,000+ litres into a soak away that will drain from the postle into the ground and of course flow down hill directly under my house and it's foundations.

So packed the wife off to see the town architect to explain my worries. Reply 'We have to wait until he's finished and then we go and inspect the work' When told that if he was made to stop and place the postle in a different place (having viewed the site there is a place where a postle can be built and it will follow the line of the slope into waste land and away from my house) they said well you'll have to see the Mayor, who we can't see because he's busy.

I need a geologist, anyone know a geologist!

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Oh my goodness.  Isn't your house up for sale?  The best you can hope for is a quick one.

I would be spitting nails over the situation.