Winter is coming … and the annual crimewave with it

Started by Janet, Sat 25 Nov 2017, 13:29

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Well that went well.

The police station was closed.  ::)

It felt like one of those 'Welcome to Tenerife' moments.  :giggle:
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


ahem ...

Quotewill have one police officer and an interpreter available for tourists from Monday to Friday, 12 noon to 6pm



Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Have a look at the woman in the photo from My Tenerife Report, posted yesterday, three days after @Michael's picture above.  I think it is the same woman. 



Hmmm I don't think so, as she looks blonde in Michaels.



Quote from: Myrtle Hogan-Lance on Tue 13 Feb 2018, 16:39
Have a look at the woman in the photo from My Tenerife Report, posted yesterday, three days after @Michael's picture above.  I think it is the same woman. 


Possible but I don't think so. Mine had a lot more hair and also had a face like a pizza.  :giggle:

Anyway, determined to do my civic duty I went to the police station again today where I met with an interpreter and a Guardia Civil officer and guess what?  They already had my picture.  :D I was suitably impressed. They were at pains to point out that they do monitor social media and take copies of photos posted. But when I mentioned that I was the photographer they were still greatly interested to hear my account of the encounter. The GC cop showed me a number of pictures on his phone for comparison with my blondie. They weren't her. They also have a ring binder with a wad of pictures the thickness of an old telephone book many of them being copies of ID cards.

I also mentioned that i'd  spotted the 2 thieves outside Lidl half an our later at which their ears really did prick up. They explained that there had been a number of thefts from the car park outside.

I was asked why I didn't call 112 at the time. I told them that I didn't speak Spanish and was afraid that I would not be able to make myself understood. To which they replied that 112 has English speakers and that phoning 112 straight away was the thing to do. The GC officer also gave me his direct number.

My overall impressions were friendly, professional and very very keen to catch these bastards so they can get them off the island. But it's a case of if no-one tells them.............................  ::)
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


Quote from: Michael on Tue 13 Feb 2018, 19:31

I was asked why I didn't call 112 at the time. I told them that I didn't speak Spanish and was afraid that I would not be able to make myself understood. To which they replied that 112 has English speakers and that phoning 112 straight away was the thing to do. 

They have fluent cover in five languages. Don't know whether you saw THIS:tiphat: