VIII Subida a Guía de Isora rally this weekend

Started by Janet, Mon 5 Jun 2017, 15:02

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The VIII Subida a Guía de Isora rally will be held this weekend, from Friday 9 June and over Saturday and Sunday 10 and 11 June. The race counts towards the Spanish national mountain race championships, and will again be held on the TF463 between Playa San Juan and Guía de Isora town. Organizers expect some 70 or so competitors – some entering with more than one vehicle. The official website with full information about the rally is HERE.

The race has been moved forward to June because new regulations from the Ministerio del Interior ban road sports events on Sundays in the prime holiday months of July and August, regulations which conflict with the usual July date since the Subida's format is of racing on Saturday afternoon and evening, and Sunday morning.

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

That road is insane enough any day of the week when most of the travel is in second gear.  I would not want to race it.