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Forest fire in Ifonche area

Started by Janet, Sun 15 Jul 2012, 16:47

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Could this be the break we need? Humberto Gutiérrez, Dirección General de Seguridad y Emergencias, has confirmed in a press release a few minutes ago that the west flank of the fire, the most virulent one towards Guía de Isora, is heading for a lava field area and it is hoped - god how it's hoped - that it will burn itself out there. Sr Gutiérrez said that "we hope to extinguish it between tomorrow and the day after tomorrow". He also confirmed that the fire engines I posted about are here, as in other villages near the fire, to put out small outbreaks. The one problem is the area of Tágara, which is inaccessible, he said.


Quote from: Janet on Tue 17 Jul 2012, 17:56
A fire engine from Tegueste has overturned onto the central barrier the TF1 near Las Eras, Arico, as it headed south to help with firefighting efforts. The accident happened around 4.45pm, and one of the firemen was trapped inside. After being rescued, he was transferred to hospital by helicopter. The motorway was shut for a time for the helicopter to land.

Quote from: Janet on Tue 17 Jul 2012, 20:54
For the last hour and a half, waves in Los Cristianos have prevented the hydroplanes from taking on water. They have shifted to TFS to load.

Why does the word "farcical" come to mind...?  :undecided:
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 I can't seem to take photos in the dark, but the fire is now right at the top of our hill. We haven't had an evacuation order but it's getting a bit close for comfort. We're staying put, at least for the moment, but given the speed that this seems to be coming down our hill we've got our important stuff together and packed up the car. We're ready to go if they tell us to.

The computer will be the last thing to leave, and it's coming with me, so I hope to be able to continue updating as things unfold. Who knows, maybe the next thing I'll be able to post will be in a much more pleasant vein.


Oh my god, I do hope they manage to get it under control before it reaches you!!  That is really scary  :hug:
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

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For what shall it profit a man, to gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul?


Government press release,1opm tonight:

Aircraft have been concentrating today in fighting the east flank of the fire, which has been the more difficult. This part of the fire extends from the lower part of the TF-21 to Vilaflor, which is why the order to evacuate the town was given at 6pm by the Plan Canario de Protección Civil y Atención de Emergencias por Incendios Forestales (INFOCA). This is ease the attempt to put this flank of the fire out during tonight. The Government asked the residents to be calm and stressed that the most important thing was to safeguard lives, and that during the night it was hoped to create a firebreak as a line of defence.

The west flank, situated above Tijoco and Taucho, is being fought by the Unidad Militar de Emergencias, UME, and is controlled for the moment. The north part is stabilized and the south tail is anchored. The part of the west fire heading for the peak looks to be going towards a lava field which could help to control it.

In total, 2,000 hectares have been affected so far. The closed roads are still: TF-567, La Escalona - Ifonche; TF- 583,  Taucho; TF-585. Tijoco Alto; TF-38 Chío - Boca Tauce; and TF-21 Vilaflor - Boca Tauce.

Incidents to mention are two traffic accidents involving fire engines, the first at 4.45pm on the tF1 at Eras, Arico, resulted in a fireman suffering minor injuries who was evacuated to Hospital Universitario de Canarias, the other at 5.09pm in Güímar, without injuries.

Tomorrow morning at first light 11 aircraft will join the fight against the fire: 3 hydroplanes and 3 helicopters (1 Kamov and 2 Brif), 3 search and rescue helicopters from the Grupo de Emergencias y Salvamento (GES) of the Gobierno de Canarias, a Tenerife Cabildo helicopter and another from the Cabildo de Gran Canaria.

By land, a large number of Tenerife Cabildo Environment personnel will continue firefighting together with teams from the Consorcio de Bomberos de Tenerife. The army has 222 personnel and 38 vehicles which are involved in the firefighting efforts as well.

The Servicio de Urgencias Canario (SUC) has ambulances and rapid intervention vehicles, and the company TASISA has put a further ambulance with personnel at the disposition of SUC. Also, the Government team is being supported by the Policía Canaria, Guardia Civil and Policía Local from Adeje, Arona, Vilaflor and Guía de Isora.


Quote from: Janet on Tue 17 Jul 2012, 23:25Incidents to mention are two traffic accidents involving fire engines,

Oh I forgot to mention that the fire truck that came up our road made a 456-point turn to get out again, demolishing parts of three walls in the process. I felt quite sorry for the driver, who gave the impression he had not driven anything other than a Fiat Panda before, and it looked as though he didn't have power steering.


They are still working to control or kill the fire overnight aren't they?  They haven't just all gone home because it's dark?  :undecided:
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website:
Instagram: novahowardofficial


Yes. The aircraft can't fly, and they'll resume at first light, but the firefighters - bomberos and army - are now on their third (or fourth?) night poor beggars.