Forest fire in Ifonche area

Started by Janet, Sun 15 Jul 2012, 16:47

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Quote from: Janet on Fri 20 Jul 2012, 13:41
Have a read ..... Artículo de Opinión: "Dejaron quemar a Guía"

No punches pulled there... and sadly, I think they're right.  The fire could have been put out as it began, before it became powerful enough to spread to the forests and threaten towns and villages.... but it wasn't  :-X
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

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 It's not over yet, but I am delighted to post this! The Canarian Government has lowered the fire from a Level 2 emergency to a Level 1. The situation has improved enough so that from 6.30pm the firefighting effort will be the responsibility of the Tenerife Cabildo rather than the Canarian Government. In lowering the level, Minister of Economía, Hacienda y Seguridad del Gobierno de Canarias, Javier González Ortiz, expressed the Canarian Government's gratitude for the professionalism and hard work of everyone involved in dealing with the emergency. Sr Ortiz wanted also to acknowledge the great collaboration, patience and understanding, of the residents of the areas affected by the fire, and those who had to evacuate their houses.

It's getting there!



 :Woot_Emoticon:  It is, it's nearly sorted  :clap:
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

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Quote from: Nova on Fri 20 Jul 2012, 16:53
No punches pulled there... and sadly, I think they're right.  The fire could have been put out as it began, before it became powerful enough to spread to the forests and threaten towns and villages.... but it wasn't  :-X

I think Google Translate is having a funny turn today.  It reads like the instructions of a cheap Chinese clock.   :undecided:

QuoteThus: the mountain burned the town on purpose because the "responsible" have no idea of ​​the beauty of a pine tree and the amazing work of art that makes up the mountain. Those who give press conferences.

And burned Tágara one of the best locations on the island of Mount Teide. And the fire - which started in Ifonche and not turned off - has traveled many miles without technicians or politicians - and employers have said anything because they know nothing.

Those of us here in the west, always cost us to live longer than the rest. Besides, we have never been compensated for that cost is no less necessary distance to everything. So we paid more for the location where you live, as far or as close to the periphery where dwells Chicharrero lazy.

Now the forest has been burned because they are inept in the metropolitan area know little about the subject treated; see, then, one of the press conferences: the Minister of economy and security! government of the Canary Islands, just combed, the president of the council that speaks for the people who voted and - this is a number - the technician with a mop of hair envy the counselor at the computer screen talking about the left flank or right, the perimeter is already controlled and we are cooling the burned area, he said, without lifting his eyes from the plasma as an expert adviser on your laptop, you just burn, perhaps the most beautiful mountain on the island. Red zone. What a coincidence, Adeje, Vilaflor and Guide! Santiago - spains pattern of all - was saved. Is faith.

For what shall it profit a man, to gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul?


I want what they're having   :cheesy:
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website:
Instagram: novahowardofficial


I have a feeling you may be getting a translation  :catmeow:, but in the meantime, here is my uneducated attempt at the paragraph you quoted:

QuoteIt's like this: the district woodland burned down deliberately because those "responsible" have no idea of the beauty of a pine and the incredible work of art that is this woodland.  Those, that is, who give the press conferences.

Tágara, one of the most beautiful spots on the island of Teide, burned.  The fire – which began in Ifonche and was not put out – has run many kilometres without technicians nor politicians – nor even the businessmen, saying anything, because they know nothing.

Those of us who are here, in the west, have always paid more to live here than anywhere else.  What's more, we have never been compensated the greater cost of living here - being so far from all the necessities.  That is to say, we have paid more for the location where we live, as far or as near to the edge of.... [ok, I got stuck here – I learned Castellano :wink:]

Now the forest has burnt down because the incompetents in the city know so little about the matter in hand.  Let's look at one of the press conferences: the minister of economy and security (!) of the Canarian Government, freshly groomed, the president of the cabildo who speaks for the town that voted him in – that's quite a few people - and the technician with a shock of hair envied by the minister, in front of his computer screen talking about the left flank or the right flank, the perimeter is now under control and we are now cooling the burned area, he says, without raising his eyes from the expert advisor that is the plasma of his laptop, that perhaps the most beautiful woodland of the island has just burnt down.  Danger zone.  What luck, Adeje, Villaflor and Guia!  Santiago – saint of all the Spanish world – they are saved.  It's fate.
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

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Instagram: novahowardofficial

El Profesor

Quote from: Phil on Fri 20 Jul 2012, 19:19
I think Google Translate is having a funny turn today. :
I'm not sure I've ever seen Google translate do much better.

Shame it started on a Sunday .................. bastards


QuoteThat is to say, we have paid more for the location where we live, as far or as near to the edge of.... [ok, I got stuck here – I learned Castellano]

"tan lejos o tan cerca de la periferia donde mora el gandul chicharrero"

"as near or far from the periphery (of the fire) as the 'gandul chicharrero' lives".

This gandul chicharrero is a Canarianism, as I understand it. Gandul, yes, is lazy, but is used here as "a nice piece of" - e.g. that's some car, so can be used as "great" ... as in "you great ninny"! Chicharrero is a Canario, but is typically used for those who live in the capital.

So the phrase distinguishes those who live in the west from "some city-living Tinerfeño" ... with the most opprobious connotation you could give it. Compare it, perhaps to someone living in the far reaches of the UK talking about "some bloody Londoner" ...


Thanks Janet  :tiphat:  I knew I'd never heard that expression in Salamanca  :giggle:
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website:
Instagram: novahowardofficial


It was a hope this morning. It's a reality tonight. The Tenerife Cabildo says that the fire is under control: there are no longer any active focus points. Vigilance continues, evidently, for any hot points that might flare up in Guía de Isora and Vilaflor, but the one helicopter of the Cabildo and the three of the Government will be withdrawn in the next few hours from active duty.

The TF38 and TF21 are now reopened too. The Cabildo, however, recommended the public to keep clear of these roads as far as possible over the weekend to try to avoid any possible danger both to persons and the forest.

At last, and thank god! JA