XXVII Adeje rally 11-13 May

Started by Janet, Thu 11 May 2017, 11:40

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The Adeje Rally kicks off today, and will cause some inevitable traffic restrictions and disruption between now and Saturday throughout the various areas involved during the rally. These are not just in Adeje, because the rally really covers quite a bit of south Tenerife. It's the 27th time the event has been staged, and it forms part of the national Spanish rally championships. The schedule of events and stages is HERE, with information about stages and timetables, and even videos of the routes themselves.



Doesn't look like it's coming anywhere near me.  :03:
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

I can hear the cars racing around outside (am in Adeje for a couple of days).  Fortunately not on the street I am on.  I really hate the noise of rallies and fortunately they are a way off from me.


I just find it hard to believe that these rallies close off roads, and that people who live in, for example, Taucho, are stuck in their houses for a day because they are not allowed out onto the road. Why do they put up with this shit?


I could understand it if they were classic cars.  I mean, who wouldn't want to be trapped at home to watch an E-Type race up the street??  But if they're not classics there's no excuse  :nono:
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Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Quote from: Perikles on Fri 12 May 2017, 18:36
I just find it hard to believe that these rallies close off roads, and that people who live in, for example, Taucho, are stuck in their houses for a day because they are not allowed out onto the road. Why do they put up with this shit?

In our village when it came through nobody stayed off the streets.  I kept waiting for a child to be killed.


can anyone hear them? we can ... and the ambulance that had to go and sort one out earlier, presumably having driven into a wall or off the road ...  ::)

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

I did earlier today in Adeje, before noon.  Happily I am no longer in the vicinity.