Traditional romerías in Tenerife

Started by Janet, Mon 1 May 2017, 00:52

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Romerías are held all year round, but summer's perhaps the best time to go and see one. Whatever their origins are they are always associated now with a saint, often one with an agricultural connection, and so they are perhaps a Christian adaptation of a local pagan deity or spirit - a genius loci. One thing is sure, though, and that is that romerías are an occasion for a town to come together to share its traditions of religion, music, dance ... and food! "Platitos" are handed out liberally, and walking along the street one can find a "little plate" of carne fiesta with hard boiled egg, papas arrugadas with mojo, a bread roll, and, of course, a plastic glass of wine, thrust into your hand, all provided by the ayuntamiento of whichever town is celebrating its annual romería.

The procession doesn't just involve musicians, dancers and food, however, but donkeys, horses and, above all, carts - staffed by locals handing out food and wine and pulled by a pair of magnificent Canarian oxen. These are followed by the overwhelming majority of the local residents, many in traditional dress, and of course visitors, both tourists and residents from neighbouring areas. The procession is followed in the evening by a dance in the main square.

The pictures below are from Guía de Isora's Romeria de San Isidro Labrador a couple of years ago (click to enlarge). It will be held again on Sunday, 21 May, as always on the third Sunday of May. Also in May, in the town of San Isidro itself the Romeria of San Isidro Labrador is this Sunday, the 7th, Arguayo's on the 14th, and Los Realejos on the 28th. There is always likely to be a romería on somewhere, though, in honour of one saint or another, and most council offices will have a list readily available with the dates of all those within the municipality. Wherever you experience a romeria this summer, you're sure to have a fantastic time! 

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