The famous Los Realejos fireworks 3 May

Started by Janet, Mon 17 Apr 2017, 10:16

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Although not a Tenerife-wide public holiday, one part of Los Realejos' Cruces & Fuegos fiesta on 3 May, a fortnight Wednesday, draws people from around the island and even further afield. The fiesta itself actually lasts just over a month from the end of April to the beginning of June, but the fireworks are what people come from far and wide to see. They have been granted National Tourist Interest status and are simply spectacular, long recognized as the best by far in Tenerife, and now officially one of the best in the whole of Spain.

The fireworks are staged as a competition between two streets – Calle del medio and Calle del sol – in Los Realejos for the best display, a tradition that started in 1770. The fireworks manufacturers Hermanos Toste themselves date back to 1788 and have a factory in Los Realejos, the only one in the Canaries. This year's display will be broadcast live as usual from around 9.30 ... the whole thing lasts for around three hours! The following short video of 2011′s displays will hopefully give some idea of what to expect.


Has anyone else been up to see these? @Nova and I were up there several years ago, not sure how many, but I think we both found it deafening and exhausting just from looking up for three hours!!!

Beautiful, but how long can you really watch a firework display for, and still enjoy it??!

Anyone who'd like a taste can watch live HERE on Wednesday night ... assuming the stream actually works ...


I'd say after 40/50 minutes it would get boring. I think you'd have to be lying down to enjoy them. Never seen them.


That would have been 2008. And yes, you've summed it up pretty well. It was very pretty but boring, and the noise and the crowds made it quite unbearable.
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@janet, tomorrow is the 2nd, but you say it is on the 3rd?


ah, thank you ... it's a cut and paste of a post due for publishing tomorrow ...

will go and edit ...