Courts disqualify Arona mayor José Alberto González Reverón from public office

Started by aspasia, Fri 29 Jun 2012, 10:14

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Arona mayor José Alberto González Reverón has been found guilty of "un delito continuado de prevaricación por irregularidades en la contratación de personal para el Ayuntamiento" - a continued crime of corruption through irregularities in contracting council staff. Santa Cruz Juzgado de lo Penal number 1 imposed the penalty of four and a half years disqualification of holding public office. The mayor says that the ruling is "totally unjust" and that he will appeal.


El Profesor

Of course he will appeal ..... he's not paying the court costs and the lawyers' fees - we are.

Well Nova and I am.

Which is the angriest smilie in the world ..... is it this one? :c002: or this one? :38:


If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

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Mayor Reverón is under attack now from all sides, not just opposition politicians, but residents' associations from Los Cristianos. The mayor has "lost the confidence of residents since he was found guilty, and it isn't legitimate for him to continue in his position" said representatives of resident associations Almácigo (Los Cristianos and Sol del Sur de Las Galletas) and Plataforma Ciudadana de Playa de las Américas. Both called for his immediate resignation. JA


And still it continues. There is now an almighty clamour demanding mayor Reverón step down but still he clings on, arguing that he isn't required to resign until and unless his appeal ratifies the original judgement. Even a report commissioned by the Secretariat of Arona Ayuntamiento itself has found that there is an "incompatibility" between the mayor's public office and the sentence he has been handed by the Courts, which disqualified him from holding public office. Arona PP councillor Dionisio Rocha said that the mayor must now recognize that his judgements had been wrong, and that the continuing media spectacle benefited nobody. JA

El Profesor

The arrogance of that mafia knows no bounds.

Two years ago you could see this man in all the processions in Arona, fiesta time Sunday night walking around the various villages of the municipality, waving with his evil fixed grin.

I have noticed that he no longer attends. Not surprising as there are  no imminent elections.

But two weeks ago I was intrigued  to see whether he would dare to show his face at the Arona procession ..... his heartland.

Arona isn't half the metropolis that is Adeje, it's a tiny little village in the hills, it just happens to have control of a lucrative stretch of coastline.

And lo and behold! There he was .... back in his rightful place, suit and tie, walking with the other suits behind the priest and in front of the band.
But wait a minute, who's that? Waddling along next to him was a very old man, a white haired giant of a man.
It can't be? Yes, indeed it was ......... at 11:30 pm on a windy Monday night in a tiny village in the hills of the south of Tenerife ..... none other than Ricardo Melchior the President of the Cabildo. 

That is what they think of the courts, judges and legal system here.

Coalición Canaria - the biggest mafia this side of Palermo.


Arona major José Alberto González Reverón resigned at midday today. The resignation comes in the wake of a Court judgment in June which imposed a four and a half year disqualification from holding public office, and the mayor's repeated refusal to step down despite that judgment, and an increasing clamour that he should do so. The now former mayor Reverón said that although he had the absolute respect for the  judicial administration, the sentence against him was "unjust, disproportionate and inhumane". JA

El Profesor

 :clap: that took a while.

Closed list ..... he`ll be replaced by one of his cronies.  :undecided: