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Goodwill SC Arona

Started by Guanche, Tue 2 Jun 2015, 10:19

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Just had a FB 'thing' about this shop. It alleges that if you buy anything from this shop with a credit card beware! It goes on to say the assistants in the shop will inform you, once you have entered your pin into the card reader, that there is a fault in the machine. However when returning to the UK you may find that money has been taken from your bank account over and above the item you may have purchased. The author of the 'thing' states she had 'Hundreds' taken from her bank account.

It doesn't say what the shop sells or any other details. Does any one know this shop?

Just had a closer look and this was posted last year. Maybe it should be on the 'What I hate about FB' thread!


it's a fake post ... but the general warning is valid, particularly with some shops, particular of the electronic type ...


Thanks Janet, I'm always sceptical about things like this. But it does act as a wake up call for people who let their guard down on holiday.


Quote from: Pelinor on Tue  2 Jun 2015, 10:19However when returning to the UK you may find that money has been taken from your bank account over and above the item you may have purchased.

Of course, these days with a smartphone you can check whilst still in the shop  :toothygrin: