Do you want to vote in the UK's general election?

Started by Janet, Mon 16 Feb 2015, 14:14

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I'll make a prediction. The Tories will struggle on for the next five years. In their usual ruthless couldn't give a toss fashion, they will bring the economy onto a some what reasonable state by savage and uncaring cuts. As money is the only thing that matters to them, Oh! and giving it away, so long as it's not to the benefit of the taxpayers!

Once they have done that it will be Labours turn, I say turn because that is very basically what politics in the UK is all about, turns. Milliband will be a distant memory there will be someone else more acceptable to the public. Sorry Prof and Janet the public won't have a man that looks stupid as their leader no matter how clever. Very un-PC and cruel know, but did any one learn anything from Michael Foot and his donkey jacket?

Then Labour will, as they always do run the economy into the ground. Depending on how fast they do that will depend on when the Tories get their next turn.

Sort of reassuring really Con's or Lab not a toss between them, which ever we end up with were going to be shafted!

The UK will have a referendum and not leave the EU. Scotland will have a second referendum and not leave the union. UKIP will take over the UK  MEPs. Local authorities will be a mix of Lab, Lib and others the Cons will be shot down. There we have it, Pelinors prediction.

Forgot this time next week we could be at war with Russia if the EU has anything to do with it! :undecided:

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Quote from: Prof on Fri  8 May 2015, 14:30
I predict David Miliband as Prime Minister within 15 years.

And I think he'll be a very good one.

I hope this thread is still here so that I can gloat.

Interesting one.  We were discussing this this morning.  My take on it is that as he's earning megabucks in charity without the hassle of politics, he may just decide to carry on banking money.  No doubt he's come out of this episode far better than Ed. 

OH surprised us all with his prediction @Janet.

In any case, I am pleased to have been privileged to see this interesting historic day in British politics.  To see three party leaders resign boom-boom-boom was unbelievable.  I thought Farage spoke the truth, Clegg was a spent force, and even enjoyed Milipede's "thanks for the selfies" remark. 

And now, back to business as usual.


Okay guys, you're gonna love this one.

I haven't seen it, but apparently Ian Paisley Jnr. sang part of a hymn during his victory speech.  ::)

I'm looking for video of it.
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


So from an electorate of 46,425,386, only 11,334,920 voted Conservative.

This is a democracy? Really?
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


This was made a year ago!! 

If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

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Quote from: MichaelSo from an electorate of 46,425,386, only 11,334,920 voted Conservative.

This is a democracy? Really?

I saw a tweet looking at the numbers the other way round, though ... can't remember the exact figures now but it was something like:

65% voted against the Tories but we got a Tory govt. Democracy?
Well actually yes, because 70% voted against Labour, 75% against UKIP, 80% against the greens ...

and so on. The Tories actually got the lowest anti-vote.

We need proportional representation. As I was reading earlier, "the FPTP system works if it's a two-party system, as it was historically in the UK." I would change "works" to "can be considered to work" - though I disagree with that because it can leave half the electorate unrepresented. Regardless of whether it works in a two-party system, however, it does not in a fractionalised multi-party system such as the UK has now.

But no majority government is going to vote for PR. The Tories didn't when they were in power with the Liberals, when the Liberals actually existed ( :Woot_Emoticon: ) and that was a Liberal top three demand. It certainly won't happen now they've been wiped out.

What I find amusing, one of the few things I find amusing about this result, is politicians and pundits saying that the LibDem wipeout is far more extensive than they could ever have imagined. Well I said it five years ago, posted it in this forum that those who voted or might yet vote for them would never ever ever forgive them for shoring up the last Tory government. It was obvious, and yet "those who know" just didn't see it. Idiots.


Democracy does seem to be an illusion, or is an illusion? I would love to see the Tories or Labour (because that's who the the present voting system benefits) defend the fact that the Lib's, Greens, and UKIP received over 5,000,000 votes between them (I think that's the approx. number?) and only returned 10 MP's and the SNP received less that 2,000,000 votes and returned 58 MP's. One could be forgiven for thinking that a single Scottish vote is worth more than any other single union vote, by a long margin!

One has to bear in mind that the only two parties big enough to change the system to a fairer one are the benefactors of the present one, so don't expect change any time soon. After all they could have done something over the past thirty odd years but didn't! A change in the system will only come from public pressure and as we saw from the expenses scandal Parliament will fight tooth and nail against it..... or I should say the Tories and Labour will.

In the mean time I am just thankful we have a government whether it was Labour, Liberal or Tory it mattered not to me. A hung Parliament would have been a disaster for the UK both at home in the EU and the world stage. Plus I don't think Cameron and his hench men are going to have an easy ride or get everything they want. Once Labour put a more charismatic and acceptable leader in charge I can see them back in 5 years time.

In the mean time expect monthly riots, the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer, but isn't that always the way? :undecided:

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

I think you guys have about summed it up.


[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin: