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Do you want to vote in the UK's general election?

Started by Janet, Mon 16 Feb 2015, 14:14

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Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Quote from: Michael on Thu  7 May 2015, 23:23
The good news is that Ian Paisley Jnr. got back in again.  :rofl: :sofa:

I checked that one; my former colleague's daughter who ran against him got a whopping 368 votes.

Boris is my new MP with over 50% of the vote. 

Lord Toby Jug only got 50 votes but I see that Howling Laud Hope pulled in 72.  What are the people in Hillingdon smoking?

El Profesor

Photo of Ed Balls face . . . . priceless.  :clap:

I thought it was only me  . . . but it seems everyone hates him.


Guess who fell asleep!! :-[ I knew I shouldn't have watched it in bed. All I can say is thankfully we seem to have a government. Ok it's the con's which to some is a loss. But looking at the bigger picture, if there had been a hung parliament it would have been a lose lose lose lose situation for the country and that's whats important not bloody self interested MP's and Parliament.

The most worrying thing is Scotland, it's now a one party state and that can't be good. 'Mini Me' and her army will be a corrosive presence in Westminster disrupting the other three nations in the union for their own ends which of course is Scotland and only Scotland.

Lib Dems what can one say the writing was on the wall five years ago wrong polices wrong leader wrong collation wrong wrong wrong!

Labour .... much the same as the Lib Dems wrong leader wrong faces in power that vile Harman woman and Ball's to name but two The fact they couldn't see that shows their incompetence.

UKIP for me they are the party of Europe and a protest vote party that's where they will stay.... I mean UKIP in Parliament! they were having a laugh the public may seem stupid but not that stupid!

The rest are just silly and not worth a mention.... well for me anyway.

I forgot one of the best pieces of news that vile man Galloway got the boot! :clap:

El Profesor

Quote from: Prof on Fri  8 May 2015, 08:51
Photo of Ed Balls face . . . . priceless.  :clap:

I thought it was only me  . . . but it seems everyone hates him.

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Milipede is expected to resign too.

Glad Pelinor brought up Shall-I-be-the-cat-Galloway.  Glad he lost.

For me the funniest one is Mhairi Black's victory over Douglas Alexander.  She's 20 and will be the youngest MP since 1667.  Likes a drink too as she likes to tweet about it. 

Here's an article about the losers and a few winners from the Graun.  :link:


There's great analysis in the Guardian, esp HERE, about Labour being two parties really - the wannabe responsible capitalists and outright socialists - which no-one could navigate to victory without looking like they were trying to stage-manage the papering over the cracks. That act of stage-management could not begin to look other than disingenuous ... which is what Miliband suffered from, in addition to being seen as a Union-supported brother-backstabber.

The wannabe responsible capitalists wil blame the outright socialists saying that a lurch to the left cost them votes. The socialists will say that this didn't stop the clearly socialist SNP wiping the board in Scotland. The socialists will retaliate that the country doesn't want a wet middle government, but a centre-right hamstrung parliament is exactly what the country did vote for!

The reality is that Labour now is nothing. It is two parties which have failed to unite. One, on the left, is too tied to the unions, which is a millstone that Sturgeon doesn't have around her neck, and which will mean the Labour left cannot succeed ever again. The other, on the right, is just a weak and disingenuous version of the Tories, and cannot succeed unless the Tories actually start jackbooting around in black shirts.

How utterly fucking depressing. But the analysis sounds spot on.


[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


And I have to give kudos to the turtle's OH, who forecast - against all the polls, the odds and my scepticism - an outright majority victory! :bows:

El Profesor

I predict David Miliband as Prime Minister within 15 years.

And I think he'll be a very good one.

I hope this thread is still here so that I can gloat.


Quote from: Prof on Fri  8 May 2015, 14:30
I predict David Miliband as Prime Minister within 15 years.

And I can predict that by then I won't care a damn.  :great: