Do you want to vote in the UK's general election?

Started by Janet, Mon 16 Feb 2015, 14:14

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Quote from: MichaelForget about slave labour, immigration, NHS etc. etc.

David Cameron eats hot dogs with a knife & fork.

Need I say more?

The bloody Sun decided that its last campaign day front page was to be dedicated to "do you want a man to manage the country who can't manage a bacon sandwich". That's about the level, I guess, of many of its readers ...

All it managed to do was make the young irate, who took to twitter in their tens of thousands,  trending the meme JeSuisEd ... including pictures of them eating "messily". Those pics included mockery of Cameron for his knife and fork attempt to avoid looking an idiot for not having the first idea how to eat a hotdog ... while showing that he had not the first idea of how to eat a hotdog.

Clearly, politics has now been dumbed down to the level where running the country really does depend on no politics as such, just on how well one eats without getting HP sauce or mustard on your tie ... and society equally dumbed down so as to equate a rag's attack on a politician to Islamists machine-gunning cartoon artists to death in their office ...

I'm staying up tonight. I'm hoping to see Farage win Thanet, Clegg lose Sheffield, and the SNP get 55+ seats in Scotland. Any one of those will make my night - and I don't much care overall who wins because it's likely to be hung anyway. "Well hung", as the inimitable Sun rag put it ...  ::)


I'll be with you Janet, should be a hoot watching Clegg getting the boot. Sadly he will just be given a job within the Brussels bubble and be as incompetent there as he has been for the past five years. I just can't see Farage winning a seat, don't get me wrong I would love to see it just to throw a spanner in the works but with the SNP Farage's spanner would be one of many so would not be of much use. Either way it's going to be a very interesting and probably the most important election for decades.


Quote from: Janet on Thu  7 May 2015, 11:21I'm staying up tonight.

I'm not. I'll wait and get depressed tomorrow. I can wait. Not like some.


Janet, please keep the hooting and hollering down. I'll be asleep.  :giggle:
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


Myrtle Hogan-Lance

@Janet, have a good night.  I am going to sleep now; leaving the PC on so I can check in if insomnia strikes. 



Looking like my prediction will be right about the Tories winning but not getting a majority. Clegg looks to be safe, but the LibDems to be effectively wiped out ... I'll take that!

Scotland exit polls are suggesting 58 seats for the SNP, which would be bloody unbelievable!


Agreed about the SNP Janet. I just can't see it. I think the exit poll could be very way out as nobody in Scotland would admit to voting anything other than SNP.

I'm watching the ITV as the BBC is getting on my nerves!


The good news is that Ian Paisley Jnr. got back in again.  :rofl: :sofa:
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


we're watching Sky for the same reason, P, BBC was hopeless!

I see three LibDem lost deposits already ... out of only three declarations ...  serve the buggers right :P