Over 12,000 Canarian autonomos making use of lower social security payments measures

Started by Janet, Wed 20 Aug 2014, 11:33

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The scheme introduced in February last year whereby new autonomos pay a flat rate of €50 in social security contributions has resulted in 267,964 new sign-ups, 12,072 of them in the Canaries, the Ministerio de Empleo said yesterday. The Canarian figures break down into 4,395 in the under-30 band and 7,677 in the over 30. Nationally, Andalucia, Cataluña and Madrid are where the largest concentration is found, with almost half of the new autonomos.

The flat rate of €50 was approved by Parliament to support entrepreneurship, part of an overarching strategy of enterprise and youth employment, a programme set out for the years 2013-2016 and aimed specifically at those under 30 years old. Subsequently, however, the scope of the legislation has been increased so that the flat rate was €50 euros for all new autonomos regardless of age.

The measure means that for the first six months following registration as self-employed, new autonomos benefit from paying just 20% of the amount of normal social security payments, an average of around €250 a month. After this first six months, the payments rise for another six months to 50% of the norm. After this first year, autonomos over 30 pay 70%  for the next six months. Anyone can benefit from these measures providing that they have not been registered as autonomo at any time in the last five years. JA