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Ebola: the current situation, measures being taken, and reasons for Spain to be optimistic

Started by Janet, Wed 30 Jul 2014, 15:53

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Oh dear don't let Cameron know they need money. Knowing his aid charity record he'll volunteer the UK to pay the bloody lot! 
Sorry to be a hard arse but why are these countries not being cut off from the outside world. I think there needs to be much more specific information about this alarm. Is it a world threat? If so I think much more direct action needs to be taken. There, as far as I understand, is no cure for this disease, and the very people at risk seem to be the very people who are making matters worse!


Quote from: Janet on Tue 16 Sep 2014, 14:47
Fucking hell ...

I've just read a sobering article in the Economist which gives some interesting statistics. It compares the number dead to Ebola with numbers dead from other diseases in the countries where Ebola is active at present. It lists (from memory)

Deaths per day

Ebola: 4
Diarrhoea: 400
Malaria: 580
Aids/HIV: 604



 :goodpost: And in a way way what I was trying to say. The cynic in me says that the WHO and the UN are failing in what they are supposed to do and see Ebola as a rallying point. Nothing like an 'ALARM' to get people talking.

This is not to diminish the pain and suffering of the people affected. But in a world that's very cynical about being told things by people in power the apparent making a mountain out of a small hill does little for the WHO and the UN's cause.

The numbers P has put up confirms my opinion that Foreign Aid in its present form does not work never has and never will..

Just to add. All the aid money and all the other help the world gives Africa does one thing. It saves some people dying in one catastrophe only to die in the next catastrophe, and the next, and so on.

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

And Saint Obama plans a dog and pony show, sending 3000 US troops into the affected region to try to appear sharing and caring.



Quote from: Myrtle Hogan-Lance on Tue 16 Sep 2014, 19:10
And Saint Obama plans a dog and pony show, sending 3000 US troops into the affected region to try to appear sharing and caring.


Fact finding? What guns can achieve in this situation leaves me a tad bewildered but I suppose its all the USA can offer!


The thing is, all these other diseases are relatively static, and have recognized treatments, if not cures. Ebola is increasing exponentially - tenfold - and there's no recognized cure.

Obama has just said it's a global security threat. I think it is in a different league ...



So we're told Janet. But what are 3000 troops going to do? Shoot people who are tying to escape from infected villages in order to contain it? Because that's the only thing I can imagine they would be used for.


yes, I think that's exactly what they're going for ... OK maybe not shoot, but they're going in order to help contain it. They're setting up ebola camps, if I'm not mistaken ...