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Guía de Isora reduces municipal traffic fines

Started by Janet, Tue 1 Jul 2014, 15:07

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Well, how often can we say the price of something has gone down? In Guía de Isora, however, something has. The entire municipal traffic bylaw has been brought up to date, and part of the socialist borough's modernisation has involved recognizing the financial constraints people are living under. Concejal de Seguridad Ciudadana Cristina García said that in today's economic climate, a council should not be considering using fines as a means of generating revenue - as so many are doing, see HERE - but rather to dissuade people from uncivic behaviour, including breaking traffic rules. The council has therefore reduced fines for "light" offences, making them "more moderate", and more in keeping with that ethos.

As an example, councillor García offered the case of double parking or putting two wheels on a pavement for a short time, e.g. to load a bag of shopping into a car. This has hitherto attracted a fine of €200 (€100 for prompt payment), but in future, will be fined at €60 (€30 for prompt payment). An alternative example is that of stopping on a zebra crossing where no risk or obstacle is created; this was also fined at €200, but will now be €40 (again, the amount is halved for prompt payment). Councillor García said that some reductions are up to 90% to avoid the "abuses" imposed by some other councils on, say, pensioners who are surviving on an income of around €400 a month.

Guía de Isora, like Adeje, doing so much right where so much is wrong ... mentioning no names ... JA


Quote from: Janet on Tue  1 Jul 2014, 15:07Councillor García said that some reductions are up to 90% to avoid the "abuses" imposed by some other councils on, say, pensioners who are surviving on an income of around €400 a month.

Any how many of these pensioners actually have a car? Or do the new rules also apply to Zimmer frames?