Top Ten ex-pat complaints about Spain on Twitter

Started by Perikles, Thu 17 Apr 2014, 08:08

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From The Local. What amazes me is how trivial or stupid the complaints are. Especially the one about not being able to get a decent cup of dishwater which they call coffee in the UK. The only complaint with the slightest justification is the "guapa" one, indicative of macho behaviour.


I can identify with the frustration of "content not available in your region" ... and with the "can't get the Mercadona song out of my head  ... " ...  :banghead:

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Absolutely!  I just came back from Mercadona singing it at full volume.


The one about family members coming over for an hour and staying the day, this is not just a Spanish problem *laughs*

Pronunciation of wifi is one of those things that happens anywhere. I know people who in this country call it 'whiffy' for example. I have no idea how we even got to the point of calling it wifi, frankly.

As for coffee, I never drink the stuff so that's no problem for me :D Also, I don't know the Mercadona song so will have to hit up YouTube shortly to assuage my curiosity.

Also, lastly, content not in my region... I do a lot of stuff with US content and I have no end of headaches with that. Also, Netflix UK is poor compared to Netflix US. Fortunately a US-based VPN is *fantastic* at dealing with that.

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

I had a guy yell 'guapa' at me as I was running down the road last week and didn't mind at all.  Let's me know the running is paying off.  And I think I knew him so it wasn't meant in an icky way.

The only Mercadona songs I can find are remixes; the first 15 seconds approximate the real song well.  Actually, it's only two words long:  Mercadona, Mercadona.  But it's damned catchy.


For catchy song, I find myself thinking of :giggle:

Interesting though, I find myself liking Mercadona :)


Is it meant to sound like an old 78 that's had a good going over with sandpaper?  :undecided:
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

For me, it's BANANAPHONE!!!  I could listen to it all day, when I'm not listening to Mercadona, Mercadona.
