Going digital in Tenerife - officially

Started by Nova, Sun 16 Feb 2014, 13:56

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Quote from: Myrtle Hogan-Lance on Mon 20 Jul 2015, 17:44This does not explain why J&J had to reregister, and why we have not been called upon to do so since registering in April 2011 in the same municipio.

We weren't called on to reregister, we just knew we had to ...

did you ask if you had to and were told no?


Quote from: Pelinor on Mon 20 Jul 2015, 17:31
Since I don't know how to do a copy or link or what ever its called I had to type it out myself...

That must have taken you forever!!!  I think maybe we need to meet up for a tutorial session on copy/paste, links, inserting images and anything else you want to know.  Honestly, once you know how to do this stuff you'll wonder how you've coped so long without it!
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website: verygomez.com
Instagram: novahowardofficial


Thanks Nova! but you have no idea how many hours my son's, daughter, and various sobrino's and even a 68 year old Tia of the wife have spent telling me how to do it, sadly it just don't stick! I bet my 7 year old grand child has a better grasp on things than I do.

I could post youtube videos here, but like everything else its gone, just can't remember how the hell to do it. I guarantee that you could spend an hour with me telling me all the in's and out's and within 5 min of me leaving its gone, as if you were never there! :-[

Its the same as Spanish the wife has given up now, so have the old git's in the cafe, as soon as I sit down they just throw a news paper at me.... a Spanish one! just to keep me quite. I watch Spanish TV. I try and read Spanish News papers I keep asking the wife how to say things but nothing sticks! I've been here 13 years and I still can't hold a conversation. Don't get me wrong I can make myself understood, but its not the same.

I think the same applies with my computer skills it just don't sink in proper like it oughta! :D


Have you tried taking notes?  sticking the instructions on post-its to the edge of your screen???  I believe some people remember their sensitive passwords that way  :D
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website: verygomez.com
Instagram: novahowardofficial


I have a wireless keyboard and the underneath is covered in masking tape covered in passwords, what their from where there to, you wouldn't believe it! :nut: And you know what I still get it bloody wrong!! My dash board has stickys with all sorts on with the same info.

I'll make a promise tomorrow I'll have a go and try to do a link. How bloody hard can it be!!! :-[ :nut: :whistle:


First it would be helpful to learn to copy and paste  :D  You have a PC now, right???

To copy:
click and drag your mouse over the text you want to copy to highlight it, with the left button still pressed down.
Release left button.
Press right button.
A little menu will appear.  Click Copy.

To paste:
Click your mouse where you want the text to go.
Click right button.
Same menu will appear.  Clilck Paste.

To do a link, highlight the website address at the top of your browser window and copy it.  Do the copy stuff.  Then go to the post you are typing and click.  Do the paste stuff.  Fanny's your aunt  :D
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website: verygomez.com
Instagram: novahowardofficial


And Charlie's your uncle :cheesy: I haven't got a left and right on my mouse just a mouse. But I will follow your instruction tomorrow provided you promise to delete any crap I may post by accident....because you know I will :giggle:


Quote from: Pelinor on Mon 20 Jul 2015, 21:07I haven't got a left and right on my mouse just a mouse.

Good grief P - if your mouse has no buttons, what use is it?


Its an Apple mouse, all its got on the top is the Apple logo. And no its got no reverse gears either :D


With an Apple mouse you just touch the right side, don't you?  It doesn't click but it's touch-sensitive so a tap does the same job and it knows whether you tap on the left side or the right side.

Falling a right click with the mouse, after you highlight the text, instead you can hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard, then press C to copy or V to paste. I find that method faster and easier anyway. You just don't get any feedback from the computer to know whether it's responding until you have successfully pasted the text you wanted.
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website: verygomez.com
Instagram: novahowardofficial