They are absolutely f---ing mad

Started by Myrtle Hogan-Lance, Mon 13 Jan 2014, 22:36

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Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Previously I have made mention of some forum where crazy people join to announce:

"Hello!  We are A and B!  We have been to Tenerife on holiday!  We have decided to move there with our three children!  Two of them are 7 and 9 and don't speak Spanish!  Can they learn quickly?  How can we get them into the best schools quickly and for free and by the way where are they?  How much child benefit are we entitled to?  And how much housing benefit?  With benefits we figure we could just about make it!  We want to live on the beach in Los Cristianos!  We are incredibly hard workers and will take any job available!  Please send us a list of open positions!  We don't speak a word of Spanish but are willing to learn!  We are thick as two planks but that don't matter, we just want to be happy in the sun!"

If I could remember which thread I started, I'd place this there.  If Nova and Janet are bored, they can try but I am not fussed.  I thought I would share the latest idiocy here:

"Dear friends,
I'd like to have any useful advice from you regarding employment in Tenerife. Some words about me and my family. I live in <a European country> and I have a really good job as a sales manager in <an> engineering company. As you can understand from my name I'm Russian but I live in <said country> for 12 years already, so I speak Russian, <that language> and English. No Spanish at the moment, but I don't think it will be difficult to learn it. My husband has a bar and he's a really skilled barman. He's interested to buy a bar somewhere near the beach. We also have a 11 years old son who will obviously need a school. Does somebody know if there any multinational company situated in Tenerife which can give me a possibility to have a similar employment there as I have in <the country I live in now>. Maybe you can also give any suggestion for my husband. Thank you in advance.

Total nut cases.


[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


Its winter and the sun attracks them like a magnet . . . . .
It always will . . . .
Isent tenerife the land of milk and honey . . . ?


Myrtle Hogan-Lance

How about this one I got from someone I do not even know in person, from FB,  today? 

QuoteWhat are you doing in The Canary Islands? Are they hiring?

Well, what do you think?  Are they hiring?


yeah, Mootoo, little children 1-3 ...

WTF  :017: