Mass electricity “switch-off” at 6pm tonight: will you take part to send a message about price?

Started by Janet, Mon 30 Dec 2013, 11:02

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Quote from: Myrtle Hogan-Lance on Tue 31 Dec 2013, 13:37
On 24/12 they charged us 216.63€. 
On 18/10 they charged us 135.28€. 

The solar water heater was installed 28/10.

So if I read this right Myrtle your elec has gone up since you had the solar heater installed?


For the year up to end Nov this year my electricity bill in the UK was pds 646.00, (equating to pds 53 per month) with a consumption of 5573 kwh. next year projected to be pds 744.00. I can only assume that the "standing charge" in Tenerife is a lot higher than here. Or you all have some very furred up water heaters. :undecided:


Quote from: Guanche on Tue 31 Dec 2013, 10:25
Well we turned off apart from the fridge which the wife wouldn't turn off! The consequence was I couldn't get back on the bloody internet for most of the evening!!

Anyway just for fun, why don't we have a competition on who can reduce their bill in the next two months. I've just paid ours for the last two months and it was €101.87 (our last house where we had a swimming pool and we wern't careful was about €50 every two months. That was just over 7 years ago)

I assume we get bills at more or less the same time? So post your most recent bill here and we'll come back in two months and see who is green and who is not :great:

Now perhaps that proves it's a Router/Modem problem with your communications, as a loss of mains power would not interfere with the 50v DC supply for your phone line. And the Router Modem should have reconnected immediately mains power was restored :undecided:

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Quote from: Guanche on Tue 31 Dec 2013, 13:53
So if I read this right Myrtle your elec has gone up since you had the solar heater installed?

Yes, it has, and we have been using the electrical element as we have had a lot of cloud.  I can't though claim it is all due to the solar heater; since we have the conduit running up to the top roof where OH's ham antennas are, he's been running a lot of radio and other equipment.  Plus our electrical bill seem to jump around all over the place, although the most recent is the highest this year.  I'm asking OH to look into it. 


Quote from: Myrtle Hogan-Lance on Tue 31 Dec 2013, 15:55Plus our electrical bill seem to jump around all over the place,

Two reasons - one used to be that every other month was an estimate, and since nobody in Endesa has the brains to program a computer properly, they could never get the algorithm right. This meant alternate months being billed at the wrong amount and corrected the next, giving a kind of saw-tooth graph to the bill. This was still happening earlier this year, I think.

The other reason is that they are incapable of reading the meter at exactly two month intervals, at least in rural areas. I see that my bill varies because the time of meter reading varies by up to a week. This doesn't sound much, but if a meter reading is, say, a week late, you get billed for 9 weeks then 7 weeks. You still get a bill going up and down like - um - dunno - something that goes up and down a lot - ah - it goes up and down like an electricity bill.


Quote from: Perikles on Tue 31 Dec 2013, 16:07
going up and down like - um - dunno - something that goes up and down a lot - ah - it goes up and down like an electricity bill.

Fiddler's elbow?

Tarts drawers?

[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

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Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Tomorrow, perhaps, I'll try to bring this back to topic, but clearly it's not worth it tonight....

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Regarding our bill, when I mentioned the amount of increase to OH he immediately pointed out all the extra equipment he has been running since the solar water heater was installed. 

He sent me this article, The shocking price of Spanish electricity, from El País in English.  It mentions the part about the politicians being on the boards of energy companies.  It talks about people being unable to afford to pay their electricity bills.  It gives the most complicated description of the production of electricity, pricing, and markets which I don't even pretend to understand.  Bottom line, we are being ripped off.


Quote from: Myrtle Hogan-Lance on Thu  2 Jan 2014, 16:01
Regarding our bill, when I mentioned the amount of increase to OH he immediately pointed out all the extra equipment he has been running since the solar water heater was installed. 

He sent me this article, The shocking price of Spanish electricity, from El País in English.  It mentions the part about the politicians being on the boards of energy companies.  It talks about people being unable to afford to pay their electricity bills.  It gives the most complicated description of the production of electricity, pricing, and markets which I don't even pretend to understand.  Bottom line, we are being ripped off.

Not really it's still slightly cheaper per unit than the UK (maybe not overall depending on your standing charge, but no one has stated that yet).