Grauniad interview with Rajoy

Started by Perikles, Sun 22 Dec 2013, 18:46

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He claims most people in public office are honest.  :cheesy:

50.0001% ? I might believe that.


I would agree with him as far as grass roots public workers are concerned or at least as honest as any other country. Its when you get to the middle to top tiers that the corruption really starts and of course get progressivly more corrupt the nearer to the top you get. And you don't get any higher than Rajoy!!!!

Oop's except the King......hush my mouth! :whistle:


now be careful you don't "insult Spain" ...

FFS ...


I'm not even sure I believe it about Britain let alone Spain.  ::)
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin: