Poison warning for Tejina de Guía

Started by Janet, Wed 12 Jun 2013, 09:26

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Two dogs are reported to have died in Tejina de Guía because of poison seemingly laid down by a local agriculturalist. Anyone who walks dogs in that area should be very alert.



Luckely we don`t go walkies with our cats .
I have already been wurried enouf after the hostilities with our neighbour going on in the compex .

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Do we know what 'laid down' means?  Laid down for fertiliser, laid down to stop dogs from crapping there, laid down maliciously, etc.?  And would it be on the farmer's land, or other land? 

Otherwise, Poker, what's going on with your neighbour? I hope you do NOT have reason for fear.


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Quote from: Myrtle Hogan-Lance on Wed 12 Jun 2013, 10:53

Otherwise, Poker, what's going on with your neighbour? I hope you do NOT have reason for fear.

Short of work and out of money and ackting stupid , but in a dangerus (cunning) way ......
No bigg problem with us we just ignor them now ........


I'm just wondering, is there any possible reasonable justification for the poison being laid on his land (assuming that it's on his land)?

ie is it a legal substance? Could it have been laid to kill rats etc. etc?

And if the answer to any of the above is no, then who do you shop him to? Assuming it's worth trying.  ::)
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

My research (admittedly quick and not comprehensive) says that organophosphates come in liquid form so to put it on the ground and attract a dog would require meat I would think.  Former farmer Perikles says that the concentrations used in normal insecticide applications are not enough to even make a dog sick. 

However, we are still none the wiser without a specific location, to try and determine the culprit and his or her intentions. 


I'm afraid I can't clarify further than I have. I don't know where, how accessible, what "laid down" means, nor who it is. But mac, no not legal, I had that confirmed when Rosie died. All I have is a credible report that two dogs have died, which means wherever it is, and in whatever form it's in, it was accessible to them ... so it's safest to assume it's accessible to other dogs too.

Sorry, this is the sort of post I hate because it's tantamount to scaremongering, but I know all too well what it's like to lose a dog through such poison and I'd rather scare than hear of another dog dying, and particularly two in Tejina itself whom I know personally and am extremely fond of ...

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

When I told OH about this thread, the first thing he said was that there is only one confirmed poisoning of two dogs in the local area, and that is Rosie and her brother.  His idea is that the person who is the friend of Janet's correspondent may have heard about it as word has gotten around, told the correspondent, who in turn warned Janet.  Their is scant distance between us so the actual location may have gotten obscured.  I think it is a plausible idea. 


That's certainly a plausible argument! I've just tried to find out if there's any further information, particularly about timing ... will update if I hear any more.