What's the deal with commercial vehicles?

Started by Myrtle Hogan-Lance, Mon 29 Apr 2013, 18:46

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Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Some of you may be aware that we are looking to acquire another car.  We've got to have something which can take the dogs, so are looking at regular cars which have enough space, as well as 'commercial vehicles'. 

We are terribly intrigued by commercial vehicles but terribly ignorant. 

Can anybody shed any light on:

- why is every third car on the road a Berlingo?
- what's the difference between commercial and regular?
- why are commercial vehicles so cheap in comparison to a regular car?
- do you have to have a business to take advantage of whatever the advantages of owning a commercial vehicle are?
- what should we be deeply suspicious of? 
- anything else we should know?

In the olden days, we had OH's Merc, and I had my MG.  Boy I miss my little MG (which the dogs could not get into). 


I think they need an ITV every year, not every two years for a certain age of other vehicle. Have you checked insurance rates?


As P says they have to have an ITV every year. Other than that I have no idea.


Different speed limits apply, I'm pretty sure ... I think it's 100 on the motorway rather than 120, not sure about ordinary roads ...

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Insurance:  good point.

Speed limit:  100 won't do for us!


As far as the Berlingo is concerned, I think that it can be commercial or not, depending on the side windows. If the rear side windows are not glass, it's commercial, otherwise it's not. Either way, the differences are significant. I reckon an insurance broker will be able to tell you what all the differences are.

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Yes, we're going to ask our insurance guy for quotes.

Great tips all!   :tiphat: :tiphat: :tiphat: