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Administrative chaos on Arona’s beaches

Started by Janet, Wed 17 Apr 2013, 11:58

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Quote from: Janet on Mon 29 Jul 2013, 18:39
A shocking read about Arona corruption HERE

Brilliant article. Bloody hell.  :clap:


And now, with summer over, and Arona mired in corruption cases left, right and centre, it gets yet worse. The Public Prosecutor has announced criminal proceedings against 15 Arona politicians – almost the entire cohort of Arona Ayuntamiento's governing party is going to be in the dock for corruption. This is separate to the Court of Auditors investigation of public spending irregularities. It is also separate to the Caso Arona – all five or so separate actions which comprise the whole scandal. In what is, or should be, a coup de grâce to Arona's leaders, 12 of the 13 members of the Coalición Canaria ruling group have been indicted, including ex-mayor  Reveron – who had to be forced out of office because of his own corruption proceedings – and current mayor Niño. The news has been broken by the scourge of corruption in Arona, AquíSur, from whom there is no doubt much more to come. JA

El Profesor

Quote from: Janet on Tue  3 Sep 2013, 09:33
And now, with summer over, and Arona mired in corruption cases left, right and centre, it gets yet worse. The Public Prosecutor has announced criminal proceedings against 15 Arona politicians – almost the entire cohort of Arona Ayuntamiento's governing party is going to be in the dock for corruption. This is separate to the Court of Auditors investigation of public spending irregularities. It is also separate to the Caso Arona – all five or so separate actions which comprise the whole scandal. In what is, or should be, a coup de grâce to Arona's leaders, 12 of the 13 members of the Coalición Canaria ruling group have been indicted, including ex-mayor  Reveron – who had to be forced out of office because of his own corruption proceedings – and current mayor Niño. The news has been broken by the scourge of corruption in Arona, AquíSur, from whom there is no doubt much more to come. JA

Oh the delightful split splat sound of fans being hit all over Arona. Bliss.  :clap:
When democracy fails, a little dose of justice is a consolation.


Quote from: Janet on Tue  3 Sep 2013, 09:33
And now, with summer over, and Arona mired in corruption cases left, right and centre, it gets yet worse. The Public Prosecutor has announced criminal proceedings against 15 Arona politicians – almost the entire cohort of Arona Ayuntamiento's governing party is going to be in the dock for corruption. This is separate to the Court of Auditors investigation of public spending irregularities. It is also separate to the Caso Arona – all five or so separate actions which comprise the whole scandal. In what is, or should be, a coup de grâce to Arona's leaders, 12 of the 13 members of the Coalición Canaria ruling group have been indicted, including ex-mayor  Reveron – who had to be forced out of office because of his own corruption proceedings – and current mayor Niño. The news has been broken by the scourge of corruption in Arona, AquíSur, from whom there is no doubt much more to come. JA

Just what is the typical Canarian's take on all the corruption?
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


fucking bastards rob you blind wherever they can, steal from the poor to give to the rich, give their own a helping hand while shafting ordinary folks, we all need to stick the fucking money under the fucking mattress and tell them to fuck off ... coño ...


El Profesor

Quote from: Michael on Tue  3 Sep 2013, 23:27

Just what is the typical Canarian's take on all the corruption?
I don't think anybody really makes a point of telling him, but I don't think he would be very surprised . . . after all that's what politicians do. He would probably like a go.

El Profesor

Oh joy, it just gets bigger and bigger. Linky Winky.

One likes to think that one's little grain of sand might have tipped the balance a little.  Passing the link to where they advised tourists against the dangerous beaches in Arona around the upper echelons of Ashotel and the Canarian government. But no it's probably just a coincidence. But they have certainly hit the ground running after the recess.
After all, this is the difference between Spain, and occidental European country with an immature dodgy democracy, and somewhere like Egypt.

Here is the ex big boss . . . . . a few pegs lower down  . . . .  and looking decidedly stressed out, in his job at La Caixa bank.
One wonders if La Caixa are fully aware of the publicity coming their way.   :toothygrin:   ;)

El Profesor

Quote from: Michael on Tue  3 Sep 2013, 23:27Just what is the typical Canarian's take on all the corruption?

On reflection, I think Janet's version is more accurate . . . . . but it depends who you talk to.

Quote from: El Profesor on Tue  3 Sep 2013, 23:33
I don't think anybody really makes a point of telling him, but I don't think he would be very surprised . . . after all that's what politicians do. He would probably like a go.

Quote from: Janet on Tue  3 Sep 2013, 23:30
fucking bastards rob you blind wherever they can, steal from the poor to give to the rich, give their own a helping hand while shafting ordinary folks, we all need to stick the fucking money under the fucking mattress and tell them to fuck off ... coño ...



It really is quite unbelievable. Not only have the lifeguards still not been paid, but 2013′s summer has passed completely without sunbeds and parasols on Arona's beaches. Moreover, the procedure to award the contract to another sunbed provider had last week almost come to an end when it was called to a halt and thrown out: journalists and anti-corruption investigators are crawling all over the council and yet someone still thought they could get away with a bit of backhanded information passing to help one of those submitting tenders. This was discovered, of course, and so it's back to square one with the entire procedure.

Bad enough, you'd think, but no. Ashotel, the hotel association, made a donation to the lifeguards on Wednesday of essential medical supplies including first-aid kits and medications which should, by rights, have been supplied by the Ayuntamiento. There was no doubt an element of self-interest behind the act, but we can't look gift horses in the mouth, and it served a dire need and should be applauded. The donation was handed personally to mayor Niño by the president of the association, Jorge Marichal, himself, and it would have been expected to find its way to the lifeguards immediately. It is, however, still not delivered despite publicity photos showing the handover being published the same day.

There is a Spanish word, sinvergüenza, which designates a scoundrel who has no shame. I can't think of a better word to apply to Arona Ayuntamiento which has either confiscated or refused to deliver these supplies. JA

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

He should have handed it directly to the lifeguards and taken that photo op which would have garnered him very good publicity.