It’s not just the Canaries …

Started by Janet, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 09:41

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I know that many people opposed to Canarian tourism restrictions see them as unique and out of place in the world. They are nothing such, of course, and restrictions on short-term letting are familiar in other parts of Spain, and more generally in Europe and in America too, perhaps particularly evident in cities like London and New York. Despite all this, the Canaries is repeatedly singled out for opprobium and ridicule, derided for what are called its protectionist and restrictive policies. In the "nutshell" article I wrote recently, I said that the Canarian Government felt its tourism was worth protection, and that is now, clearly, a view that is going to go national. No more will it be discrete parts of Spain that have protectionist policies. It will be Spain itself.

Spain is shortly to pass a law that will limit the short-term tourist rental of properties nationwide. The Proyecto de Ley de medidas de flexibilización y fomento del mercado del alquiler de viviendas.  (121/000021) is acknowledged to represent a negative impact on the pockets of  many owners, but appears to be an attempt to help the hotel industry.  Critics say that the new law will damage tourism by restricting the freedom of holidamakers by limiting the number of properties available to them, is a "legislative attack" on rental property owners, and will have negative economic consequences beyond the field of tourism. The Government, however, is intent on the legislation, which also makes it easier for landlords to evict problem tenants, as I posted HERE when the bill was first introduced last August.

Maybe the Canaries will now stop being seen as backward, but rather as leading the field ... JA


Maybe now some of the people who are still denying the existence or legality of the fines and enforcement of the legislation here might wake up and smell the coffee...  :-X
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Myrtle Hogan-Lance

The defecation is about to hit the rotary oscillator in 3 - 2 - 1....


Quote from: Myrtle Hogan-Lance on Wed  3 Apr 2013, 11:58
The defecation is about to hit the rotary oscillator in 3 - 2 - 1....

Yes and who will want to buy a property with defecation everywhere .
Prices will tumble even more .

Myrtle Hogan-Lance