Death in the morning on the motorway

Started by Janet, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 11:05

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Someone has been knocked down and killed on the TF1 this morning. Details are still very sketchy, but the poor person was run over by several vehicles around 6.30am near the Candelaria junction. There were understandably huge tailbacks on the southbound carriageway.  More info as and when it's released. JA


it is now confirmed that this poor person was a woman. There are some reports that she fell or jumped from a bridge, but this is still awaiting official confirmation.


It was only about a month ago that I made the post above about a woman who had died after falling from a bridge over the TF1 onto the motorway. I haven't heard any more about that over the past few weeks so presume an investigation is ongoing. Now, today, another similar tragedy, with a 50-year-old man falling from the Puente de Chamberi onto the TF5 near the Candelaria Hospital. Like the poor woman, he was run over by several vehicles, and naturally, died in the fall. Again it was in the morning, around 10.30, and unfortuately, again, looks as if it could have been a case of suicide. Once again the motorway came to a standstill after a death in the morning that appears self-caused. Tragic. JA


The wife was caught up in the tail back after this tragic event the bridge in question not being far from her mothers house. There haves been at least two suicides and one attempt from this particular bridge to my knowledge. The attempt ended up being paralysed from the waist down. She is known to me personally.

Off topic, but on the trip to her mothers yesterday morning, as well as the suicide the wife encountered a lorry that had turned over just by Guimer and a HGV tyre sitting in the middle of the motorway just past Radazul. Quite an eventful 25 kilometres!

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Of all the ways I could think of to off myself, jumping off a bridge would not even be on the short list.  Who knows what drives people to such lengths.


no job, no paro, beyond the end of the extra 400 a month (only lasts for 6 months), no money, evicted from home because the bank is repossessing ...

youth unemployment at 80%, general unemployment at 35%, no work in sight ...

what alternative is there?


I know I'm slightly off topic, but I have to admit that never before have I been concerned about the future. In fact I would go as far as to say worry about it. Not just in Spain but in Europe in General. So many unemployed young people, people with no working future in sight. When this hopelessness turns to anger and frustration then we all need to watch out.

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Quote from: Janet on Tue  9 Apr 2013, 12:16

what alternative is there?

In my book suicide is never an alternative.  Pardon the partial quote.   :hug:


so ... starve on the street??

Seriously, it's a real question. I really don't want to start down the "welfare is essential/deplorable" argument, but what is one to do in the situation and system we find here in the Canaries?


I personally would never consider suicide as an answer. But by the same token I have never been in a hopeless situation. As Janet says. No job, no money, living from day to day off charity and possibly on the street? With no foreseeable end to it. I wouldn't be quick to judge.