Let’s think about our purses and wallets

Started by Janet, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 09:22

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Crime is, sadly, rocketing, and one area of crime that is rocketing more than any other seems to be opportunistic pickpocketing, so can I suggest that we all, residents and visitors, think about our purses and wallets? I normally carry a couple of much-loved photos, and two or three really quite irreplaceable things – not at all valuable, at least not to anyone else. I'm going to continue to carry the photos, but after I've scanned them so I always have a copy on the computer, and am going to store the precious things with other mementos at home.

At least this way, if my purse is stolen, all they get is the small amount of cash I normally carry and a bank card and driving licence that can be cancelled and renewed. I think the time has gone when any of us, however careful, can persuade ourselves that it only happens to someone else.


Myrtle Hogan-Lance

A friend named Ben had his wallet stolen from the front pocket of his shorts in Las Americas last week. 

I'm verging on paranoia.


Daytime thefts and snatches are quite commonplace in Las Galletas now. Everyone needs to be careful.
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website: verygomez.com
Instagram: novahowardofficial


I've just done mine, and it occurs to me as well that since I'll be carrying my driving licence with me, I've scanned a copy of it to my computer. That way, if it gets stolen, I'll have a copy that might hopefully make it easier to get a replacement.


My ploy is to look like a tramp. People are more likely to give me money than snatch it from me. And yes, it has worked for me so far.  :toothygrin:


I have a small credit card type wallet which has my old residency ID card, which I still use for ID when paying by card, only once had a cashier noticed it almost six years? out of date. And my debit card.
The wife, after years of me badgering her, has finally taken every important document out of her purse and hand bag and now only carries what she needs at the time. She also only buys small hand bags that she can put over her head.
As I've said before most crimes can be avoided by simply being careful.


Quote from: Guanche on Thu  7 Mar 2013, 14:14
I have a small credit card type wallet which has my old residency ID card, which I still use for ID when paying by card, only once had a cashier noticed it almost six years? out of date. And my debit card.
The wife, after years of me badgering her, has finally taken every important document out of her purse and hand bag and now only carries what she needs at the time. She also only buys small hand bags that she can put over her head.
As I've said before most crimes can be avoided by simply being careful.

She surely can't be that ugly! ;)


Hmmmm didn't see that one coming. How about 'put's the strap over her head and rest it on the opposite shoulder. Not sure if I should have a sense of humour failure or not? :undecided: