Public outrage and lifeguard despair over 6 months of unpaid wages in Arona

Started by Janet, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 00:49

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Seriously????  What sort of screwed up bastards would do that???  :gonnagetit:
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Playa de las Vistas was the only beach in Arona with lifeguard service, but now after the burglary the other day they have no medical supplies, no walkie-talkies, no walkie-talkie control central, no defibrilators, no rescue tubes ... . A black flag is now flying. JA


If caught, the thieves should be charged with manslaughter as that's what their crime will amount to.
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website:
Instagram: novahowardofficial


well there is a school of thought that ... um ... they are being driven away from work so as to obviate their right to wages ....

Myrtle Hogan-Lance


That was my first thought Janet! Most of the stuff stolen would be of little use to anyone so the re sale value would not be great, if in fact they could find anyone to buy it. Its fairly specific stuff and no doubt would stand out if offered to any second hand shops.


The council has taken down all the protest banners and notices overnight. Most people might think it would be better to be more concerned about sending people to replace supplies of what was stolen, or preparing a defence for the Caso Arona ... where the other day some 20-odd senior Arona Ayuntamiento officials had their corruption case trials confirmed and their appeals rejected.

With the leading Arona political class in the dock for corruption, and with the municipality's beaches having neither blue flags nor lifeguards any more, and with the one remaining safe beach having had all its supplies stolen ... the council thinks the most important thing is removing placards. And of course, it's a violation of the constitutional right to peaceful protest. A violation of the rights of people? In Arona? Surely not .....

As the lifeguards say, if you take down two placards, we'll put up four.



[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


 All the media coverage so far over the past ten months has been Canarian. Now, though, it's national. The video below is of a slot this morning on TVE1, the equivalent of the UK's BBC1, and draws attention apart from anything else to Arona's loss of three blue flags. It ends with the presenter saying that they'd tried – several times – to get someone from Arona Ayuntamiento on the programme ... but that there didn't seem to be anyone available ... . Now maybe the national shame will have some effect. JA


The British Government has now updated its travel advice to include the situation on Arona beaches. It's the top alert on the Foreign Office's advice page for Spain (see HERE), above even pickpocketing and balconing. What a shameful situation. How sad that shame seems to be the last thing that can be felt in Arona. JA