17th Las Galletas Half Marathon 7 April 2013

Started by Janet, Wed 30 Jan 2013, 13:28

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Arona Ayuntamiento has opened registration for participation in the annual Las Galletas Half Marathon. The 17th run will be on Sunday, 7 April starting at 9am, and those who want to take part can sign up between 1 February and 31 March, providing only that they're over 18 and in good health. Categories are:

Men: Senior and veterans M35, M40, M45, M50, M55, M60 y M65.
Women: Senior and veterans F35, F40, F45, F50 y F55.
Despite classifications, prizes will be awarded in strict order of arrival independent of category. The course for the half marathon is 10.8km on the route TF 6222, TF 6225 and TF 6221, with carriages closed for traffic during the race. The full marathon of 21.97.5km will be run at the same time.

Inscription will cost €18, or €15 for affiliates, who sign up before 28 February, and €23/20 for those who do so in March. To register, visit the official website www.mediomaratonlasgalletas.com


Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Brings to mind the eternal question:   just why the hell do I do this to myself?  Anticipating the Dorada Moment already.


Quote from: Myrtle Hogan-Lance on Wed 30 Jan 2013, 14:11
Brings to mind the eternal question:   just why the hell do I do this to myself?  Anticipating the Dorada Moment already.

And why pay €18 for a Dorada moment?

And talk about sexual equality, why are there no F60 and F65 categories?

Why is there no M-zimmerframe category?


according to the official website, all female veterans over 55 are in one category ...  :tiphat:

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Normally, there is a very large drop off in women runners over the age of 55.  Often, there are maybe 5 men in the 65-80 range, and no women.  Perhaps this is because women are more sensible.  I really don't know.

For the 18€ you get the marshalling and water, a fantastic t-shirt (wicking) which you'd pay a lot more for in a store, and either a medal or some other momento. 

And the satisfaction of knowing you did it, and the rest of them didn't.   :P


If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website: verygomez.com
Instagram: novahowardofficial


[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Quote from: Nova on Wed 30 Jan 2013, 19:15
I'll watch you from my balcony  :D

You had blinking well better - I expect a very loud cheer when I cross the finish line.  Will send you an estimated time closer to the date.  Can you do some fireworks?  Perhaps some confetti or flower petals as I arrive? 

This year, perhaps you'll consider getting our of your jammies earlier and joining me and OH on the front for a coffee/tea/beer and a snack. It'll just be the three of us... and the ocean... and the sun... think about it!  We could simply soak it up, have a natter, and take a few pics for the forum.  Then I will go home for a shower!

Quote from: Michael on Wed 30 Jan 2013, 19:50
So you're a fit lady then Myrtle?

No, I am not fit at all.  Running around here lets you know that you will never be fit as long as you live here.  But, the race has to be done.  For the record, OH will do the half marathon and I will do the 10.8km.  I could do the half, however, I am not that stupid:  it is a two lapper, and it is 7km uphill for each 10k+ lap.  I prefer easier routes!


Myrtle, I ask just because I want to be sure I posted correctly ..... isn't the 10.8 the half marathon, with the longer one the full marathon (it's just shy of 22km) ....  :undecided:


Quote from: Myrtle Hogan-Lance on Wed 30 Jan 2013, 22:13No, I am not fit at all. Running around here lets you know that you will never be fit as long as you live here.  But, the race has to be done.  For the record, OH will do the half marathon and I will do the 10.8km.  I could do the half, however, I am not that stupid:  it is a two lapper, and it is 7km uphill for each 10k+ lap.  I prefer easier routes!

I'm slightly confused by that remark Myrtle. I would have thought that if someone wanted to get fit to whatever degree, Tenerife would be a gift. A person can swim, walk or run all for free.

Unlike here where, up until today, I haven't been able to get out for a walk for the last 18 days because of the weather.
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin: