Spanish Royally now coming in for some flak

Started by Guanche, Fri 28 Dec 2012, 10:47

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Well she might no longer be imputada, but the infanta Cristina is to be investigated for financial irregularities ...



Rumours are flying everywhere right now that the King is to announce his abdication at 6pm this evening, ostensibly on the grounds of ill health ...

It might be all hot air of course, but there is definitely a press conference at 6pm ... some think it's a further operation. Could be both, perhaps ...




Now that the infanta Cristina has been imputed for fraud, it sounds like the royals are going to hang Iñaki out to dry ...

QuoteLa infanta Cristina "confía, ha confiado y seguirá confiando contra viento y marea" en su esposo, Iñaki Urdangarin, y siempre ha actuado motivada por "su fe en el matrimonio y amor a su marido", ha indicado este viernes su abogado Jesús Silva.

En declaraciones a los medios de comunicación en la puerta del despacho Roca Junyent, que lleva la defensa de la hija del Rey, Silva ha argumentado que "amor, matrimonio y desconfianza son absolutamente incompatibles", por lo que Cristina de Borbón hizo lo que hacen muchas mujeres y hombres, que confían en sus parejas para gestionar los temas económicos o a la hora de firmar documentos.

(The Infanta Cristina "trusts, trusted, and will continue to trust her husband Iñaki Urdangarin against all odds, and has always acted out of faith in her marriage and love for her husband, said her lawyer, Jesus Silva, this Friday.

In a press conference at the offices of Roca Junyent, the firm defending the king's daughter, Sr Silva argied that "love, marriage and mistrust are completely incompatible", and so Cristina of Bourbon did what many women and men do who trust their partners to manage economic matters or when it comes to signing documents.)

All his fault then ...


This whole thing is being stage managed in such a way as to insult the intelligence of every Spanish citizen, not to mention the world! IMHO she will be questioned and found innocent her husband will be found guilty the king will abdicate and will pardon him as part of the abdication process. At which point the Princess husband and kids will move to Switzerland. The prince will be crowned King and it will be business as usual. :tiphat:

However I see one slight problem. There arn't enough rose tinted glasses for every man woman and child in Spain!


Quote from: Guanche on Fri 10 Jan 2014, 21:06
This whole thing is being stage managed in such a way as to insult the intelligence of every Spanish citizen, not to mention the world! IMHO

Sorry, I disagree with that verdict without knowing the facts. I don't see how anybody can prejudge this by deciding in advance whether the infanta was aware of what was going on or not. I know plenty of couples where the wife has absolutely no idea of the business dealings of the husband, and it's possible, just possible, that this was the case here.


Agree P but were not talking about a couple of thousands here. The reason for her questioning is not about the dealing with Noos or what ever its called, its a second company suspected to have laundered the cash from the Noos fraud. Her name seems to be all over it. But to be fair she could just be as thick as two short planks and not noticed that almost €2,000,000 was spent on their house in Madrid nor should she have worried her pretty little head about all the other houses. I mean if I came home in an Aston Martin the wife would just smile and carry on making apple pies and picking flowers.
I just find it hard to believe that she is that thick she works for a bank so she must have a couple of brain cells bouncing around................ but then I think about the British Royals and your probably right P :giggle:


I do admit my contradiction. In one thread I say one should wait and see the whole of the evidence before reaching a conclusion or judgment. And yet in this case I seem to jump to a conclusion. As I say the contradiction is not wasted on me.

What I would say is that we, thanks to the judicial process and laws on evidence in Spain, know a lot of whats been said and done in the case of the Princess. Its discussed on the news and chat shows in Spain almost daily. Even the judge is interviewed! We know for a fact the money was stolen we know for a fact at least four people are involved the accountant or whatever he is, his wife, Urdangarin and his wife the princess. We know that bank accounts have been found, money has been spent, taxes have not been paid, commitments were not kept there seems to be a large list of things. We know a lot about this case.

The other case not so much. A 30 second film clip. I have read a bit more in El Pias. They reported that the couple had coperated up to a point but then decided to leave the store having had enough of the security guards. It was at that point the security decided to get physical and detain them. I can now see more clearly how this incident escalated to what we see. I do, at the moment, lean towards the French couple as being victims. A bit more information and I will nail my flag to the post. :)


QuoteSpain's Princess Cristina has arrived in court to be questioned in connection with a corruption scandal involving her husband's business dealings.

It is the first time in history that a member of Spain's royal family has appeared in court as the subject of a criminal investigation.