Spanish bank eviction policy - repossession insanity

Started by Janet, Tue 6 Nov 2012, 20:04

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The Vagrancy Act of 1824 was passed by Parliament to stop begging on the street...... or so thats what the plebs were told at the time. What it was really passed for was to sweep disabled soldiers and sailors left over from the Napolinic wars off the street of London because the rich didn't like stepping over them when the went for a walk. There was no welfare state.

It's still on the statute book, Ive even used it my self once. Maybe we should dust it off and start using it again for people who make bad decisions in their lives?


I keep referring to compulsory euthanasia for stupid people over a certain age.  Maybe we should just extend that to anybody who can't support themselves.  Can't afford your mortgage anymore?  Facing eviction?  No problem, no eviction.  Now you'll just feel a little prick.....  :whistle:
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

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Instagram: novahowardofficial

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

I love you guys - you are so imaginative, inventive, and way out there!

What I am trying to get you to understand is:  I do not want to pay for other people's bad decisions.  I've made many many of my own, but the taxpayer never once had to pick up the tab.  I take marriage and children extremely seriously and have never done either inadvisably.  If YOU fuck up, don't expect ME to pay your kids' school fees or to keep you in a home you can't afford. 

So someone has to go to the 'poor house'?  Boo hoo hoo.  Might be salutary.  Where the fuck is it written in stone that if you get to the Kindle/iPad owning stage that you have a guarantee of a middle class lifestyle?

For the record, and it may indeed be for another thread, my marriage is worth far more than the paper on which it was recorded.  I work at it hard every single day. No way I should have to pay taxes for others who were not similarly committed.  Commitment is not a dirty word; it's a mantra.


The UK had a poor house system, under "poor law" legislation with workhouses. They weren't salutary. They shamed society.


So basically Myrtle you want to opt out of society ;) Sounds like were ganging up on you Myrtle, I'm not as I agree with a lot of what you say but maybe not so strongly.


[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


What about people who just live too long? Nova mentioned euthanasia ironically, but there's a piece HERE about people who simply run out of their money because they live too long. The state can no longer afford their care, and when these old people have no money they have to fall back on the state.

No bad decisions. No number of lessons, salutary or otherwise, will be of any use because they're too old to benefit. They've just outlived whatever responsible decisions they made.



I guess we either support them or we terminate them  :shrug:

My great-grandfather (yes, my mother's grandad, only three generations back) ended his days in the workhouse.  I would hate to do the same.

Long-term let's stop funding medical research.  That way we can cut costs both now by saving on the funding itself and later when people are living nice short lives again.  People didn't outlive their old-age pensions back in the days of smallpox  :tiphat:
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website:
Instagram: novahowardofficial


Quote from: Nova on Wed 14 Nov 2012, 00:27
I guess we either support them or we terminate them  :shrug:

My great-grandfather (yes, my mother's grandad, only three generations back) ended his days in the workhouse.  I would hate to do the same.

Long-term let's stop funding medical research.  That way we can cut costs both now by saving on the funding itself and later when people are living nice short lives again.  People didn't outlive their old-age pensions back in the days of smallpox  :tiphat:

He must have been very young when he died but the lack of food and basic care would have shortened his life.

The short lives are a thing of the past, we just need to reduce the population.