Latest Canarian unemployment figures

Started by Janet, Fri 26 Oct 2012, 09:22

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Canarian unemployment fell in the Canaries by 1.59% in June, meaning that there are 4,353 fewer unemployed than in May. There are now 270,059 people out of work throughout the islands, according to figures released today by the Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social. Year on year, unemployment has fallen by 22,995 compared to June 2013, a fall of 7.85%. Nationally, Spain's unemployment fell in JUNe by 122,684, leaving 4.4m out of work throughout the country. JA


Unemployment fell in the Canaries by 1,637 in July, a fall of 0.61% from June and leaving 268,422 out of work in these islands, the latest figures from the Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social show. Interannually, last month's figures are down 21,953 from July 2013, a drop of 7.56% in the Canaries.

Of the 268,422 out of work here, 142,085 are in the eastern province of Las Palmas, where unemployment dropped 1.319 (-0.92%) in July, and 318 (-0,25%) in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, leaving 126,337 out of work in Tenerife, La Gomera, La Palma and El Hierro.

Nationally, numbers registered as unemployed fell by 29,841, a drop of 0.67% on June, leaving 4,419,860 out of work in Spain. These falls are normal in summer – unemployment hasn't risen in July since 2008 – though three regional communities did register rises, namely Aragón (317), Murcia (1,689) and Madrid (550). JA


Despite the first national rise for six months, unemployment fell in the Canaries with 1,754 fewer people out of work, a drop of 0.65% on last month, and of 6.79% on August 2013 . Within the Canaries, the eastern province did slightly better with a fall of 1,090 (-0.77%) compared with Santa Cruz de Tenerife's drop of 664 (-0.53%). There are now 266,668 unemployed in the islands, say the monthly statistics issued today by the Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social. JA


So far this year, only Janary and March have seen rises in unemployment in the Canaries, with the rest of the year showing a clear, if slow, downward trend in numbers out of work. And that continues with September's figures, released today by the Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social, which show the number of registered unemployed in the Canaries as 266,637, a drop of 31 individuals, or 0.01%, on August, and in interannual terms, of 17,435 or 6.14% compared to September 2013. Again as last month, the fall, albeit tiny, in the Canaries is despite a rise nationally, where figures throughout Spain show unemployment rose by 19,720 from August, leaving 4,447,650 out of work. JA


And still this year, there have only been two months in which unemployment rose in the Canaries, with the Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social's figures for October showing a drop, albeit tiny, of 0.32 %, or 846 unemployed fewer compared with September. In interannual terms, unemployment has fallen by 18,518, a drop of 6.51%, compared with October 2013. The number registered as out of work in the islands is 265,791.  JA


I knew there was something I meant to post! :-[

Recent additions to the unemployment figures are two of my nephews and my son. Well only one really as two are in Barcelona. The nephew here is an accountant and was made redundant last week. My son in Barcelona who worked for an international bank thats moved its operations out of Europe to the Philippines. And the other nephew was a health and safety inspector in Barcelona. All now unemployed.

I have a niece in the South (Los Chris) who was made redundant a couple of months ago who was in court only last week to try and get some redundancy pay from her old employers.
Again not the Canaries but what the hey! two of my nephews in France made redundant in the past six weeks one worked for social services joined about 10 other long term workers to be thrown out of a job, and the other a maintenance engineer who worked for the American company Avery made redundant as it starts to down size its Euro operation.

Again slightly off topic, another nephew here on the island applied for a maintenance job. Unfortunately he is not qualified for the post but asked his father, who is a electrical mechanical engineer, to call the prospective employer to give his son who used to work with his father, a reference as to what his son could do. I know a bit of a waste of time as certificates, in this case, are king. Any way the up shot was to the nephew 'thanks but no thanks' However while the father was on the phone he mentioned that he was an unemployed electrical engineer and gave all his qualifications and work record.
The employer was over the moon until he asked how old  my brother in law is. The BIL said 59, the employer said quite bluntly 'Too old' and put the phone down!


With that bad news I suppose I should post some good news so. One of my nephews got a job as a labour on a finca in the South a couple of weeks ago. Sadly less than minimum wage, no contract and off the books. But needs must when the devil vomits in your bucket!

The highlight of the families employment record this year (so far) goes to another nephew who was made redundant as an commercial insurance sales man. Luckily for him he worked out of an office in the Mapfre building in Santa Cruz but was not employed by them. However his skills were seen by the management of Mapfre and they offered him a job over the summer. That has recently turned into a full contract and he is now a branch manager of commercial sales office in Santa Cruz. At this point I must point out that he has a master in economics and a couple of degrees in something else, he is 41 I think.

So its not all bad news :)


This seems like as good a place as any to post this, which showed up on my FB news feed yesterday....

Soy uno de los puestos de trabajo creados en septiembre, a 58 euros al mes
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website:
Instagram: novahowardofficial


The Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social's figures for those registered as unemployed in the Canaries in December show yet another drop, by 406 to 265,385. But in a sad example of how statistics contradict official statements of economic improvement, the figures also show for the time that more than half  - 50.6% - are now without any welfare support at all. As I posted in April, "47.1%, are now without any welfare support of any form", and it has been around that figure for the last few months. Now we can actually say that the majority of the unemployed here are without any welfare support at whatsoever. JA


Canarian unemployment figures released today for December 2014 show a fall of 4,703 compared with November, a drop of 1.77%. In internanuual terms, there were 13,371 (4.88%) fewer out of work this December than in December 2013. There are now 260,682 registered as unemployed in the islands. This is good news, of course, but balanced by the fact that over half, specifically 51.2%, are now in receipt of no welfare support whatsoever. Nationally, the number out of work throughout Spain fell by 253,627 compared with December 2013, a drop of 5.39% which is the largest interannual fall since 1998. There are now 4,447,711 registered unemployed in the country. JA