Canarian unions call general strike on 14 Nov

Started by Janet, Fri 12 Oct 2012, 12:17

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Although supported massively on the mainland, and although gaining considerable support in some quarters in the Canaries, generally yesterday passed without the strike causing great disruption.What was a great success, however, was a march by the public through Santa Cruz last evening. Some 100,000 poured into the streets of the capital carrying banners protesting at the social effect of cuts, and saying that the Canaries cannot tolerate any more.

Government sources said that the march was quiet and that only some 50,000 turned out: those wouldn't have been bad numbers anyway, but the photos I've seen of the event suggest that the turnout was nearer to unofficial than official numbers. In Gran Canaria too, there were protests throughout Las Palmas, with similar numbers, and similar official figures from the Government. Thankfully it all passed off peacefully: these people were protesting for their lives and livelihood, and had no intention of making the march, or allowing it to become, violent. JA