Re investigation into two missing children from Las Palmas

Started by Guanche, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 18:35

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I am sure some of you may have been following the case of two missing children from the peninsular where the father is suspected of murdering them. During the investigation bones and a couple of teeth were found in a fire pit at the home of the father on his Finca.
The head of the forensic service (seemingly for the whole of Spain?) declared the finds as animal bones and they were eliminated from the investigation. This was some time last year, as I understand. Despite the lawful requirement for two independent checks only this person examined the bones and the investigation went on.

Guess what! They have been positively identified as the remains of the children and there are some who want the head of the scientist on a plate and I for one cannot blame them. It's been on the news and a number of doctors and scientist have now seen the bones and are mystified and outraged that such a mistake could have been made.

Now It would appear that the same woman had examined bones found during the investigation of two missing children on Las Palmas and declared them animal bones as well. Needless to say they are being tested again.

This woman is obviously feeling the pressure as she was interviewed (with her face blanked out) on Tv last week and denied that she had been interviewed in 2007 for another programme. The TV company then played the 2007 interview?????

Source The wife not the most reliable source so if I've got anything wrong blame her ;)


Quote from: Guanche on Mon  3 Sep 2012, 18:35. During the investigation bones and a couple of teeth were found in a fire pit at the home of the father on his Finca.

This was the most obvious explanation of how these children had disappeared. Why would the father be burning animals? It beggars belief that they didn't get a second opinion at the time.

I just can't imagine how a father could murder his own children to get revenge.


Of the two teeth found one was a milk tooth which is believed to come from the boy and had no DNA. The other, a molar, is believed to come from the girl and this is the tooth that supplied the DNA....I believe.

I only hope that the re-examination of the bones found on Las Palmas (The wife refuses to call it Gran Canaria because it's not) give some closure to the families.

It's believed that he drugged the children first before doing what ever he did with them. A truly nasty and sad case. I know what I would do with him.....if he's found guilty. But I think I would be at the end of a very long que!

Myrtle Hogan-Lance