New Government confirms €426 post-paro help

Started by Janet, Wed 15 Aug 2012, 13:19

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This isn't just a Tenerife thing though, this is Spain.  A whole country is suffering this.

I honestly have no idea what the future holds, all I'm sure of is that it's going to get a whole lot worse before it starts to get better  :closet:
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

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Myrtle Hogan-Lance

I worry about being burgled although according to OH (font of knowledge) there is not supposed to be a great correlation between unemployment and crime.   :hmmmmm:


The government has announced that the money will not be paid to the unemployed if their parents or grandparents have an income. They argue that the "colchón familiar" must be taken into account.

El País


Yes, just posted HERE:

The amount of post-paro help might have gone up for those with two dependants in addition to a spouse, but it's being paid for by reducing the numbers receiving the basic amount. The minister of Empleo, Fátima Báñez, has now announced that the unemployed at the end of their unemployment benefit will be exc luded from the extra assistance if they live with parents who are in receipt of income which, divided among the whole family, would exceed €481 per person per month, the so-called "family buffer". The programme has indeed been extended by the Consejo de Ministros, as expected earlier this week.


Another new measure is the requirement for those at the end of their paro to demonstrate that they had actively sought work for at least 30 days after their benefit stopped, had been registered as seeking work for at least the 12 of the previous 18 months, that they have dependants, and are not in receipt of any other assistance, this last to be proven by certificate from regional Government or Ayuntamiento. The full measures have been published today in the Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE); they will come into force tomorrow with retroactive effect to 16 August. The entry in the BOE is HERE. JA