Help - WTF do I do about Ricardo Cabeza?

Started by Myrtle Hogan-Lance, Fri 31 Aug 2012, 21:28

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The Spanish, as I keep telling my wife, are a race I will never get used to. That may sound strange coming from a man who has been married to a Spanish woman for almost 40 years! but it's true. How they speak to each other without resorting to blows is a constant source of amazement to me. All you have to do is watch 'Salvame' or 'Salsa Rosa' (spelling) on Tv to see how animated they can be. I would say angry, ignorant, aggressive, loud, intolerant, the wife just says 'thats how we are there just talking' I just cannot get my head around it. If the same situation were to be on British Tv I have no doubt it would end up in physical violence.

Many times I have had to leave a room when the family have been 'Talking' about something because I think they are going to come to blows and I don't want to get involved because I know what I'm like. But 10 min later there they are laughing and joking and wondering where I went to!!!!!!
What I'm saying is that this chap probably wasn't as angry as you think he was. On a British scale of anger he was probably a 9. But on a Spanish scale he was probably a 3.

The thing is though if I have to raise my voice or get even slightly hot under the coiler (not that I do very often) EVERYONE notices it and comments 'Whats wrong with Philip? even though 2 seconds before they were at it hammer and tongs! Like I say a race I will never understand.

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

You may have hit the nail on the head.  I am still trying to decide if I am going to kill this guy with kindness or just ignore him. 
