Domestic violence killing in El Fraile

Started by Janet, Wed 1 Nov 2017, 13:21

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A 24-year-old woman died in the early hours of this morning in El Fraile, apparently at the hands of her partner. Police say that they were called out to the incident with reports of an argument around 4.30am, and that although the woman had not previously denounced any violence by the 45-year-old Cuban, he has been arrested on suspicion of a domestic violence killing. The couple leave a 6-year-old son, and the case is being dealt with by Domestic Violence Court 1 in La Laguna.

Police frequently remind the public that if anyone is in a situation where they are fearful in their own home, there are measures and organizations to help. Anyone, not just the victim, can call the free number 016, or 112 in an emergency. Please see HERE, and be reassured that there is an absolute guarantee of confidentiality and safety for any victim of abuse, whether physical or psychological violence, including attacks against sexual freedom, threats, humiliation, coercion, sexual abuse, or deprivation of liberty. It doesn't have to be physical violence.