Legendary rock group Aerosmith will perform in Tenerife next July

Started by Janet, Thu 29 Dec 2016, 16:52

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Myrtle Hogan-Lance

The 'cheap' tickets enable you to stand on the lawn.  They're taking the piss.  Sorry to have to miss it.


Quote from: Myrtle Hogan-Lance on Mon  5 Jun 2017, 15:20
The 'cheap' tickets enable you to stand on the lawn.  They're taking the piss.  Sorry to have to miss it.

That's "Crazy" and "Amazing". That "Dude" can "Dream On" if he thinks we will "Walk This Way" like a "Jaded" "Rag Doll" and pay "What It Takes" so that we "Don't miss a thing". He obviously thinks we should be "Living On The Edge" instead of "Cryin'" out we that would have to be "Kings and Queens" to afford it. He thinks we should instead be showing some "Sweet Emotion" when they "Come Together" when making "Love In An Elevator" and "Let The Music Do The Talking"