Public holidays on Thursday and Friday as Tenerife celebrates Semana Santa

Started by Janet, Tue 11 Apr 2017, 14:28

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It's Holy Week of Easter, and Holy Thursday and Good Friday this week are both public holidays. Throughout Semana Santa, however, many parts of Tenerife will be commemorating Jesus Christ's last week on Earth with processions and display of sacred statues.

I think everyone would agree that the main event of Easter here is Adeje's Passion Play, an internationally renowned and televised performance of Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem and the events leading up to his crucifixion. This takes place in Adeje town on Friday – see HERE. Also, increasingly famous is the Pascua Florida – floral exhibitions of the Stations of the Cross – in Guía de Isora from Thursday – see HERE.

The local cultural and religious programmes run by Ayuntamientos throughout Tenerife for Easter are HERE, and there are services in English too HERE.

For other public holidays in 2017, please see HERE.

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Thanks, and Mercadona in Puerto Santiago and Adeje seem to be closing at 1500 tomorrow, closed all day Thursday, and reopen on Friday.


that's probably closing at 3pm on Thursday, closed on Friday ... I'd be pretty surprised if anywhere's open on Friday ...

edit: HERE's the opening hours. Are you thinking it's Wednesday today?? :D

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

No, your post made me specifically go check.  Here's what I got on their site.  Alternative facts?



alternative reality!

has to be wrong because it's Thursday and Friday that are public holidays, and Friday is one of the biggest in Spain.


Myrtle Hogan-Lance

I agree with Janet that it's probably a mistake on the web site.  I was surprised to see a Good Friday opening. 



When I placed my Mercadona order online yesterday, there were delivery slots available for Thursday morning.  Thursday afternoon and Friday no service then slots on Saturday as usual.  Mine is coming this evening  :great:
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