The Pasión 2017 – Adeje’s Passion Play on Good Friday 14 April

Started by Janet, Tue 7 Mar 2017, 12:17

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Adeje's Easter passion play is full of drama and emotion, and this year's preparations are now underway. Although some 300 actors take part each year, by far the majority of performers are residents in the municipality. And again this year, Adeje Ayuntamiento has issued a call for those who would like to be more than a spectator, and to take part in the Pasión.You can register in the Cultural Centre in Adeje between 8am and 10pm, or by phone to 922 756 246, or online HERE. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

The event is famed worldwide, and tens of thousands attend, a great number of them tourists in the area. It is also televised live internationally, with Adeje transformed into a Biblical scene focused on Calle Grande, with various stages between the Plaza de la Cruz del Llano and the Plaza España recreating the last days and death of Jesus of Nazareth. The performance always begins at 12 noon and lasts for two hours, culminating in the crucifixion of Jesus against the amazing backdrop of the Barranco del Infierno.

The council advises those who attend to wear comfortable shoes and clothes, to bring water and a sun hat, and to put on adequate sun cream and make sure children are well protected.  The public is urged to follow the instructions of the local police and civil protection units who are there to ensure everyone's safety and don't cross the temporary barriers erected to keep the streets clear for the act itself.  It is also recommended that you have identification and information regarding blood group and any allergies to medicines with you in the case of an emergency or accident. Given the many thousands expected to attend, it is also essential to arrive in good time and when the event has concluded be prepared to wait a few minutes for the crowds to disperse.

Adeje Ayuntamiento will issue more specific information in due course, but for those who would like to take part, Easter starts now!


With Adeje's wonderful Passion Play this Friday, the council's Adolfo Alonso Ferrera says that La Pasión "is eagerly awaited throughout the year and is one of the cultural events that is most linked with the borough". The Cultural Department councillor added that the play "is an event that is only made possible through the commitment of the residents of the borough", referencing the more than 300 locals who perform in the Passion Play in Adeje's Calle Grande for two hours from midday each Good Friday.

Rehearsals for this year's performance have been held over the last few weeks, with stages being set up, costumes being made, etc., and Alonso Ferrera said that naturally none of it "would be possible without the commitment of the council team of workers who ensure, down to the tiniest details, that everything is in readiness for this important theatrical presentation". He added that an event of this magnitude could only happen with the full support and backing of all departments of the council working together.

This is the 5th year that the final scene, the crucifixion, takes place in the Plaza de España, a location which sets the cross against the outline of the Barranco del Infierno, an amazingly dramatic backdrop to an incredibly emotive scene. For the council, too, it provides much more space for the public in attendance as well as a general increase in safety.

The council says that "'La Pasión' is a hugely important event from a cultural and tourist point of view and the people of Adeje feel very much that it is 'their' contribution. There will also be performances from professional actors Balthazar Isla, Nacho Almenar, Juancho Aguiar, and Ballet Beanky, the Adeje School of Music and Dance and the Librea de Valle Guerra. This year the opening will feature a video in the form of a 'flashforward' of a meeting of the main disciples in the catacombs, with John telling the story and linking to the live opening scene as Jesus enters Jerusalem.

The whole of Calle Grande from the Plaza del Cruz del Llano to the Plaza de España is transformed into ancient Jerusalem with a market place, various stages, and animals including goats, donkeys, falcons, and horses, with the whole event broadcast live on Television Canaria. It can also be viewed online on TvCanariaNet and 13TV, and will also be broadcast live on Radio Sur Adeje. The council says that anyone who would like to post photographs online should use the hashtags #pasionadeje2017, #AdejeSemanaSanta2017 and #apasionados.

Adeje Ayuntamiento asks those who are planning to attend the event to observe the following recommendations:

* Wear appropriate clothing and shoes – comfort is important
* Apply high factor sun creams and make sure you have sufficient water
* Make sure you have personal identification on you including information regarding your blood group and any allergies to medicines
* Arrive in plenty of time to avoid delays
* Don't push while in the crowd
* Respect the security signals and barriers in place as well as following any instructions of the security and council personnel
* Don't climb up on walls, railings, flower pots, stages, etc
* In the event of an accident find the nearest health assistant and ask them to help you find a family member or companion. In the case of an emergency remain calm and respect those who are nearby. Leave the danger zone and and follow the directions of the security personnel. Don't run or scream.
* When the event is over wait a few minutes for the crowds to diminish before leaving the centre of town.