Guía de Isora’s Pascua Florida: a unique and increasingly famous Easter floral festival

Started by Janet, Mon 20 Mar 2017, 10:15

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Every Easter all eyes are on Adeje for its passion play, but Guía de Isora has a unique and increasingly famous Easter programme, the star of which is the annual Pascua Florida. This sees the town's streets filled with floral displays evoking the stations of the cross, as can be seen in the video below. In the old town centre itself, the plazas and pretty cobbled streets are filled with floral displays in a beautiful and moving visual representation of Christ's journey through Jerusalem to the place of his crucifixion and death.

This year, the ninth for the Pascua Florida, the displays will be on view in the casco – the oldest central part of Guía de Isora town – between Maundy Thursday, 13 April, and Easter Sunday, 16 April. The Ayuntamiento says that this Easter floral tribute is unique in Spain, and in thematic and artistic terms Guía de Isora's Pascua Florida is becoming almost as well known nationally as Adeje's Pasión.


Once again Guía de Isora Ayuntamiento is holding a photographic competition for its Pascua Florida festival on Good Friday, 14 April. Entry is free, and open to all, amateurs and professionals, children and adults, and residents and non-residents of any nationality. Register to take part on Good Friday at the Culture Department of Guía de Isora Ayuntamiento between 9 and 10.30am, 1 and 2pm, or 7 and 8pm. First prize is €300, second is €200 and third is €100, and all winners get a certificate. Click the poster to enlarge.




edited ... still can't believe it's April!

While I'm here, the council has confirmed that although that's a public holiday, the Culture Dept will indeed be open for the purposes of this competition.