Estrellas Has Got Talent 2017

Started by Janet, Fri 24 Mar 2017, 10:48

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This event should be great fun, with some amazing young people singing, dancing, acting and demonstrating their talent. Estrellas Theatre School chief Maureen Sands will be speaking to Clio O'Flynn on next week's Radio Sur Adeje English Time about the school and the show: Clio says that the students are doing really well in the UK, with one of them picked up only this week by a London talent scout, and others now dancing or acting in West End shows and in the top flight drama schools in the UK.

Estrellas Has Got Talent 2017 is on 2 April, 2-5pm, in Karting Las Américas. There's a Facebook event page HERE for those who are interested in going along. Entry is €6, free for the under 5s.