Mistreated dog; what can I do?

Started by Myrtle Hogan-Lance, Sun 10 May 2015, 16:12

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Myrtle Hogan-Lance

The people in the house behind us have a dog.  I think they inherited it from somebody.  I don't know what kind of dog, whether it is a dog or a bitch, what colour it is, or anything else.  I have never seen them walk the dog so would not know it if I fell over it.

The problem is that the dog howls and cries 24 hours a day.  Every now and then a woman yells "cállate" and the dogs stops for a few minutes.  Then normal service resumes.

I surmise that the people have chained or locked the dog up and that it is completely isolated from all human and animal life and is very very lonely.

Let us leave aside such horrible animal cruelty for the moment.  I don't want to get started or I will not stop.  It breaks my heart for this dog to be treated this way.

Question is:  what can I do? 

I have been keeping an eye out for the people I know who may or may not live there; they do come and go a lot and we are friendly with them.  I plan to bring up the dog.  But I haven't been able to catch them. 

If I file a denuncia my name and address will be on it and then my name will be mud all over the village.  I can't get into the complex to steal the dog.

Any useful ideas?


Seprona ... won't need a denuncia. I'm just pasting this from my website:

If you see a matter of animal cruelty, you can call the local police or, more effectively perhaps, Seprona. Seprona is the Servicio de Protección de la Naturaleza, so the official police route for environmental issues of any sort, including animal welfare. Just call 062 and explain it's an environmental or animal welfare issue, where you are, and they will forward you to the correct local contact. Rumours that Seprona is only concerned with non-domestic animals are incorrect, and the Guardia Civil themselves say that cases of animal mistreatment should be denounced without hesitation to 062.


Welcome to my world Myrtle. I would suggest a denuncia is your last resort. As you quite rightly say your name would be mud. I have no doubt that your not the only one who's heard it but in the interest of a quite life I would just do as they do.... nothing.

Now you have to bear in mind I was compelled to sell my first house here for similar reasons. I took the owner of the offending dogs to task and was left standing on my own by the cowardly neighbours! Wankers to a man and woman hiding behind curtains but in the following days congratulating me on my stance!! As I say cowards.

I now live in a house that has more than 40 dogs both hunting and pets within a stones throw that bark, fight and howl almost 24/7 Most are locked up 6 days a week and the rest are chained up. Having learned my lesson the first time round I just turn the volume up of the TV or radio so I cant hear them any more..... problem solved. When in Rome! However when we have sold the house and are ready to move out there will be a mass of Denuncias!!! :gonnagetit:

If you are on talking terms I'd have a nice chat :D

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Thanks Janet but don't you think I need to be worried about confidentiality if I phone Seprona?

I can't wait til you move Pelinor, that is going to be a fun time!


Confidentiality would be my first worry if reporting it to anyone, Local Police, Town Hall or Seprona. We live on an island. Whilst I would advocate making complaints about most things, as we have done ourselves, people can get funny about animals especially dogs. Thats my personal and professional opinion.
I would still advise a friendly chat however if that doesn't work you've nailed you flag to the post so any legal action would lead right back to you. I would point to the vet in the peninsular a year or two back who took a bastard to task over his mistreatment of a dog and ended up having to move out of town!

Just a thought Myrtle, if you can't see the condition the dog is kept in you may be on a sticky wicket, it may be quite well looked after? I know the chances are against that and I trust your judgement but you have to be sure.


phone anonymously, from a phone box or the like ...


Is there a chance that there are two issues here. First the alleged mistreatment of an animal and the second issue being noise. From what Myrtle says mistreatment can't be proven but noise is a different kettle of fish?

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Thanks guys.  In my considered opinion, this is a mistreated animal making noise.  I do not fault the dog; my heart bleeds for it.